#11: You are beautiful, inside-out.

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Chapter Eleven: "You are beautiful, inside-out."

Sweat dripped from her forehead as her fists hit the punching bag harder and harder each time.

Meera was in her boxing studio. Ajay had not bothered to listen to her explanation during their argument and was still under the misconception that he meant nothing to her. She tried to explain the reality whenever she had the chance but it was almost impossible to do so as he was either with one of their cousins or he was out doing god knows what.

She was frustrated as hell and she needed to vent it out somewhere and the first thing that came to mind was boxing.

Akash, Arjun and Vijay had gone out to the bowling arena while Nithya, Sweta and Ramya were going to their appointment at the beauty parlour. Varun and Arvind was stuck running some errands for the elders.

Ajay was nowhere to be found in the house and Meera assumed that he was probably out somewhere.

Since she was alone and none of them were expected to return at least five hours from then, it was the perfect opportunity for Meera to proceed to the boxing studio in the house which was specially made for her.

The words of Ajay kept replaying in her mind from their last fight.

Don't worry, I won't break it off with you so your business will not be affected.

Stop pretending like you care about me

You're just like regular businessmen, calculative and ingenuine

Meera let out a scream of frustration as she struck the punching bag one more time. Adrenaline was pumping through her such that her pain was numbed, motivating her to inflict even more damage to her hands.

As fatigue hit her after a overextended boxing session, she slumped to the floor in exhaustion. She closed her eyes, trying but failing to block out his words. Her eyes involuntarily closed and her back leaned against the wall behind her as she let the tiredness take over as she blacked out.


"Meera? Get up, oh my god" a voice disturbed her. She felt someone shaking her awake and opened her eyes to see Ajay's face looming over hers.

His face visibly relaxed once she opened her eyes. She looked around and everything came back to her.

She was still in her boxing shorts and a grey sleeveless jersey which were both still soaked in sweat.

"Ajay I-" she started when he stopped her.

"Shh let's clean you up first" he said and tried to help her up but she was so weak that she could not even stand on her own.

Ajay hesitantly put his arm around her waist and supported her as they walked towards her room. He helped her sit on the seat in front of the wash basin and went to turn on the water to fill up the bathtub.

He walked back towards her and took her hands in his, examining her hand which was covered in dried blood together with sweat which made it hard to see the wounds.

He rinsed the her hand in the water which must have hurt but Meera was too weak to even wince or show any sign that she felt it.

"Take a bath, and then we can dress your wounds" he instructed before leaving the bathroom to give her privacy.

Meera took a short bath and slow movements, feeling bone tired. She dressed in a plain yellow crop top and a pair of denim shorts and slowly walked out of the bath, feeling better after being soaked in the warm water.

"Come here" he said, noticing her coming out of the bathroom and guided her towards the bed where had laid out the necessary first aid items.

He squeezed a little antiseptic cream onto his hand and started applying it on her wound. As the adrenaline had subsided, the pain was more vehement and Meera felt the sudden sting of her wound, making her involuntarily grab his hand in order to stop him from applying the ointment.

Their eyes met just for a second before Meera immediately realised her action and pulled her hand away, apologising quietly.

"It's okay" he said softly and tried to be more gentle as he dressed her wound.

Meera started talking as he continued attending to her hand.

"It's really not true you know, whatever you think is not true," she started as Ajay interrupted her.

"Meera, I know, I-"

"Just listen to me please," she said almost pleading that Ajay had to let her continue. He nodded and she went on.

"What you heard is true but it isn't what it seems like. I am not that heartless. You can ask Akash Bhai if you don't believe me but what I am saying is true. I needed an excuse to justify why I could not break it off with us without involving him teasing me. Truth is I don't know what's between us but there is something that I don't want to let go off. I want to explore it deeper with you. I am not sure how I feel yet but I trust you, that's for sure. That's why I promised to tell you about my eating problems. I asked time not because I didn't trust you but because I was not ready to talk about it yet. What you know is something no else does. I really want us to work Ajay"

"Meera, I am so sorry. This is my fault. I should not have eavesdropped in the first place. But I did and did not even listen completely. I know you're telling the truth. I was the one who drove the guys to the bowling arena. Vijay and Arjun were getting the admission cards while Akash waited with me. I think he noticed us being distant and told me what you said. He did not seem to know what the problem was but he told me to resolve it because you were willing to do so too. He told me everything. Meera, I am so sorry" he apologised, shocking Meera. What stunned her even more was that a single tear drop fell from his eye.

Her finger brushed his cheek, wiping his tear away. "It's okay, we're both learning" she said, making him smile. The two genuinely smiled at each other until a realisation fell upon Meera.

"Wait, why did you let me talk so much if you already knew?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

"I tried but you interrupted me and insisted that I let you speak first. Also why else do you think I came back? As soon as I heard the truth I rushed back and searched for you around the house. The moment I opened the door of the studio, you were just there, unconscious. I was scared out of my wits. My sanity only returned when you opened your eyes" he spoke, sincerity showing in his eyes as Meera listened intently.

"It hurts to see you like this Meera, not being able to eat or sleep, taking your anger out on yourself, injuring yourself, everything. You're the one in pain but it fucking hurts for me. Meera you were once the girl who stood up for individuality, equality and self-worth despite race, religion, caste and gender orientation. That was the girl I grew up with. Please bring my strong and healthy girl back" he said.

"I will" Meera promised as she felt him brush her hair out of her face.

"You are beautiful" he said, without thinking. Meera was flustered at his sudden compliment. She tried not to let it show but nothing could stop the faint rosy glow on her cheeks. It was a simple praise but the fact that Ajay gave it to her was surprising.

"What?" she she said softly, assuming that he said it by accident or something but he repeated what he said with more confidence and volume and even added another word in it.

"You are beautiful, inside-out"

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