Mick Schumacher [Dog Date]

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A/N Another one-shot I created out of random words(bare, tail, invite, first). I still love this one and I hope you like it too (:


When we enter the clearing in the woods a kind of relaxion spreads trough my body. This spot is always making me feel calm and it is locking the reality out. I could spend hours here and my dog Sirius also loves to be here and play with his dog friend.

"Looks like we are the first ones here." Patting Sirius between the ears I inform him that he probably has to wait a bit before he can run over the grass and play fetch with his friend. We met the lovely woman a few weeks ago when she was on a walk with her dogs' son. Sirius and she liked each other immediately and since then we regularly meet each other to let the dogs play together.

"Oh, stop sulking. I bet she is coming soon; she is just a little late." I nudge Sirius lightly into the side who has just let himself fall to the ground, huffing that he has to wait for his girl. Normally Sirius doesn't play with other dogs and just sits on the side of the green while observing everything, but I think my dog is a bit in love with his new friend and just misses her.

We don't have to wait for long, only five minutes later Angie is entering the clearing almost pulling a bit on the leash to get her company walk faster. "Look who is coming." I say to Sirius who jumps up immediately and is not longer grumpy but over the moon, wagging his tail.

Angie is not in company of Corinna but a tall, blond boy who's bare arms look muscular. This must be Mick, Corinna's son who she was talking about a lot. He comes closer, mostly because Angie is pulling him into our direction obviously wanting to great Sirius.

"You must be Mick." I greet him when he is just a few meters away and introduce myself to him because he probably doesn't know who I am. Mick who was looking confused at his strange behaving dog now looks to me with a frown on his face.

"How do you know my name?" He asks, not seeming to be comfortable that someone just randomly speaks to him where he expected some privacy. Both Angie and Sirius whine softly and my dog nudges me with his snout, wanting that I take the leash of, that he can finally play but he has to wait a bit more.

"Your mom talks a lot about you while the dogs play." I explain him and he relaxes visibly at my words. "Oh, this is why Angie was so impatient." He mumbles, realising that Angie wanted to get to her play date as soon as possible.

"Probably, Sirius was sulking that she is not here yet." I giggle and Mick begins to smile broadly. "He is called Sirius?" He asks, tilting his head a bit to the side, wondering if my dog is really called after the Animagus from Harry Potter. "Yes, it fitted him perfectly." I still smile and Mick nods conformingly after he took another look at my dog.

"So, do you have time so that they can play for a bit?" I finally ask Mick because I want to release my impatient dog. "Sure!" Mick answers and leans down to free Angie from her leash so that she can run free.

"Go and play buddy." I whisper into Sirius ear before I open the leash and let him go and play. He immediately runs over to Angie, and she comes closer too. Sirius jumps excited around Angie, inviting her to play fetch and both dogs start to chase each other over the gras. I have to smile because I love to observe them while having fun and Mick seems to enjoy it too.

"It looks like they are having a lot of fun." Mick smiles to me while we walk over to an old log where we sit down and still have our dogs in sight. "I think so too. Sirius is not the dog who likes to socialise a lot but with Angie he just clicked immediately." I explain to him and remember how surprised I was when Sirius played with Angie for the first time.

"How did you and my mother meet? This is not the most popular spot, so I am a bit surprised." Mick asks me, while glancing at me before he looks at the dogs again, making sure they don't get lost. "I was training here with Sirius because as you said this is a calm place and usually no other dogs are disturbing us here. Your mother got a bit lost on her walk with Angie and it was a coincidence that she ended up here." I explain Mick who just laughs and mumbles something like "That sound like my mom."

We keep talking for longer and kind of loosing the feeling of time with each other. Our dogs come back to us at some point, being exhausted from the playing and now cuddle with each other to our feet. Mick pulls out his phone, taking a picture of the closely cuddling dogs before he shows it to me.

"Can I post this in my story?" He asks, not wanting to post Sirius without my permission but I don't see why I shouldn't allow it to him, so I give him a simple nod. Mick posts the picture with the caption 'Angie found a new friend on our walk' and receives a lot of messages on how cute they are looking together.

"I think it is time for us to leave now." I say after a quick look at the watch, seeing that the time has flown by. Mick looks at his too and nods approving. We where here for a long time and should probably walk back home now.

When I grab the leash Sirius heads shoots up and he looks as unhappy as a dog can, making me sight with a smile. "Don't look at me like this. It is not like you never see her again." Sirius huffs, not being convinced from my words and both Mick and I need to laugh at our dogs' behaviours who both doesn't want to leave.

We stand up, having the dogs on the leash again before we start walking back, sharing a bit of the way until we need to part ways. Mick and I keep talking during the walk back and Angie and Sirius walk closely together. When I have to go left and Mick to the right, we stop for a moment.

"Maybe we could exchange number for when the dog wants to meet again." Mick proposes, making me laugh softly. "Sure, only when the dogs want to meet again." On Mick's cheeks are forming some red spots, but he laughs at my words too. We exchange numbers before we say goodbye and walk the rest of the way alone.

"What do you think about some more double dates with Angie and Mick Sirius?" I ask my dog who obviously doesn't understand what I want from him but acts happy when he hears Angie's name anyways.

Giggling I continue our way and am just happy how the day was different than expected in the most pleasant way possible. 

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