Chapter 1: Glance

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*Y/A/N: Your artistic name.
Flashbacks are in italic.

Y/N's point of view

"Hey, you! It's my turn now!" I complain with a funny smile shining on my face.

Fuck. I am way too happy.

"Come on, baby. You know it's not." Scarlett shouts at me, from across the pool.

My little cousin laughs, making a little dance over her shoulders. She looks happy too.

I guess this is just Scarlett's power. Bringing people joy.

We're at my parents house and it's been about ten months since we started dating.

2014 was the year of my life thanks to her, even if we only started really dating by the end of december. I had so much fun and she gave me my favorite days and memories. Every single day I wake up knowing that if I stumble I will have someone to hold me. To put me back on my feet. I just love what we have and I don't want to let it go anymore.

Scarlett has been the best thing to me since the very first day. We live on a place nearby our hometown but the vacation is being used to get us closer to my family. She requested this after coming back from shooting Age of Ultron, last year. I honestly thought that we wouldn't be together by now, so I just said yes. I'm glad I did, though. She's so great to everyone here and my mother simply loves her.

Our relationship isn't perfect but it's happy and healthy. Most of our fights are caused by her travels and interviews, where she denies 'till death that has a girlfriend.

I know that this stuff can be hard for her, but still hurts seeing her act like she's single and straight on the cameras.

I solved that issue by stopping watching those things. It feels weird because she is my girlfriend but it's kind of necessary for my health.

I'm not the crazy and jealous type and Scarlett isn't either. Every time we have a situation we discuss that until we're on the same page.

We are happy together and that's all I care about.

We played with the little girl in the pool for a while. My cousin couldn't put it together. Scarlett kept on making her laugh every ten minutes and thank God for that because she got tired really quickly. I live kids but when they're stopping me of chilling with my girl it makes me annoyed.

When the night came and we went back to our hotel, Scar asked me on a date. Yeah, she still does that. And every goddamn time she gets nervous and starts rumbling. I used to find funny but now all I do is admire how much she loves me. How much I love her.

"Do you know what is my favorite part of our dates?" She asks, randomly. My singing is interrupted when I look at those beautiful green eyes.

I shake my head in denial.

"You always sing something for me without even noticing." I quirk an eyebrow at her. I know that I sing, but for her?

"I do?" I ask with a little bit of confusion in my face.

Scarlett nods. "It's cute. Every time you do all I can think is that I wanna hear this 'till the years are showing in our faces."

My eyes shine. "Scarlett Johanson, are you proposing to me?!" I ask, playfully.

"Not yet but you know I will soon, don't you?" She questions me. It hits me like a train because no, I did not knew.

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