Chapter 18: Holy Ground

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Y/N's point of view

Elizabeth was very silent the entire way back to the hotel, just caressing my fingers every now and then. It felt like her head was going insane every second. Her body was tensed up and her eyes were lost, looking outside the car window.

My head wasn't exactly organized as well, but the feeling of having her with me like this made my worries irrelevant. I was just letting myself feel amazed by her magnetic presence and energy. The day was so perfect that I couldn't really complain about anything.

Even though she got weird out of nowhere after I kissed her when we entered the cab. She didn't want to bother her driver's sunday and said he could go home for the day, so we ended up on the regular yellow transports.

The drive back was silent and calm, but at the same time it was tense. She felt tense.

As soon as we entered the room, she dropped the stuffed animals on the bed and sat there, frustrated. Elizabeth started to kick off her shoes as I stared at her intently, my hands in my pockets as I observed her attentively. "Elizabeth, honey. What's bothering your pretty head?" I asked.

Elizabeth ran her hands through her hair. "Why is this happening?" She hit me. "It's not fair." I didn't quite understand the sentence, so I just frowned and kept silent, just waiting for her to explain herself. "Why is it so hard to try not to feel anything for you?" She asked, starting to take off her pants. I turned around almost instantly.

I ask myself what is she doing, and why this conversation is so heavy on my shoulders, but I decide to let her have her moment overthinking without questioning things but still giving her the guarantee I was not whoever who hurt her before.

"Then don't. I'm not that girl you've had problems with, Lizzie. And I understand our careers. You don't have to run away from this." I say, sincerely. Goosebumps run through my body as I hear the noise of her clothes falling to the floor.

Suddenly, I'm feeling breathless. It seems like the room got smaller and more stuffy.

"That's what she told me too." She shared. I felt a bad twist on my stomach for the first time in the day. She has traumas like I do and I know that now, but hearing I remind her of the girl who hurt her makes me sick.

Still, not sick enough to make me less curious about where this is going. Not just the night itself, but our whole thing too.

"Stop holding on to the past. I was hurt too. Badly. I should be closed for love right now and never trust anyone again. I am not the kind that just opens up, Elizabeth. I wasn't before you, at least. I gave myself a second chance by letting me like you." I shared too. "I'm not her."

I felt Elizabeth's warmth approaching me from my back as she placed her hand on my shoulders. "I know you're not. You're fucking perfect. But, I didn't want to open up. You ruined my plans, Y/N. And I hate you for it." I was going to turn around to ask what the hell was that about but she held me in place. Her hands traveled up my arms and she came closer enough to be able to get my crop top off of me. "But fuck, I like you so much. I can't dislike a single string of hair of yours. But I can like each detail of you individually. I like everything about you and this pisses me off." She says angrily, running her hands around my hips and unbuckling my belt.


"I'm talking." She interrupts me. "Let me finish." The tip of her fingers start to travel from my shoulders to the middle of my back really slow. "I think about you most of the time. The only breaks I'm not thinking about you, it's because I'm thinking of us, together." She turns me to herself. "Romantically." She says, traveling her fingers against my cheeks. "Sexually." She whispers before finally kissing me, fervently. I don't even have time to react, because I'm as invested as she is in this.

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