Chapter 15: Assholes

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Y/N's point of view

And so, the weekend has finally arrived. My single dropping date is coming closer and even though I've done this a lot of times before that, I still feel the anxiety and excitement about the reactions, the first performance and all that stuff. My last days were pretty great, for my surprise. Nadia has been sending me the loveliest messages from the fans, my sister called me everyday, along with Sam and Scar – that apparently are getting used to each other's presence – and sometimes my grandmother too. I have been waking up early for runs, homemade breakfasts and relaxing baths.

It feels good, but does not feel complete. Elizabeth hasn't appeared, and I don't know why I was expecting her to. My disappointment is making me realize that maybe that was a mistake. We shouldn't have kissed. We shouldn't have done that to our friendship.

Sometimes, when I'm running near the ocean, I think about changing my path and going straight to one of her houses but I never do. She made it pretty clear she doesn't want to see me or hear from me. So yesterday I chose to respect that. For real. I'm not dedicating any other feelings for Elizabeth. I do miss her, very much in fact. But after two months being fooled, I don't want this anymore. It's time for me to forget about everything that happened that night. I still want to be her friend or colleague, nothing more.

If she ghosted me like that because of a kiss, what would she do if we added feelings to the conversation?

Honestly? I really don't need to find that out.

So, my life is rolling without her presence. Everything is on the rights tracks.

"Hey, you're here!" Nadia greets me as soon as she enters the room. "You look so much better than the last time I saw you, golden girl."

I hug her with one arm while my another hand gently places my glass on the balcony. "Yeah, I feel better. That comment really got me."

So, Nadia also sends me some bad ones sometimes, for me to see both sides of the coin. I usually hate when she does that, but I know she means well, so I never turn the idea down. We hung out two days ago and she gave me her cellphone to see it for myself. Some guys are always finding a way to make me uncomfortable with my appearance and sexuality, even though I'm so open and chill about it. Sometimes those things get me. That was the case, this time.

"They're just douchebags, Y/N. You know it's gonna be a success, that song is very catchy." She tranquilizes me.

"I hope so, darling. I feel confident about it." I raise my glass for her and she smiles.

Tonight, Vogue requested my presence for an interview on this pub, next to LA. I have to answer some questions and sing a couple of songs. The place it's open just for people who are partners or members. I didn't agreed to this but they never really ask me anything so I guess it's okay.

Elizabeth's point of view

I fucked up the things between me and Y/N. I shouldn't have kissed her. Our friendship and our teasing games were just perfect. I shouldn't have listened to my heart.

I knew I was going to do something really dumb once we pulled apart.

The kiss was magnificent and made me take at least two heavy breaths, but once I looked into my sister's eyes, the reality hit me like a train. I messed up.

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