Chapter 4: Comfortable

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Y/N's point of view

"I brought a bottle of tequila." Lizzie says as she pulls up by my building, lifting the bottle up and giving me a cheeky smile.

I let myself watch her. Her hair was perfectly messed up if that's something possible. The blonde details made her look like a beach girl coming back from a surf day. The lights of the street made her eyes glow just a little.

Oh God. Why can't I just get in there and pull her into a kiss?

"You're coming in or what, stranger?" She asks, half joking.

I nod and open the car's door. Fuck. Her perfum is all over the air and I feel like someone just punched me on the face. I'm down.

"Hey, lovely lady." I lean over to give her a cheek kiss and laugh at her reaction when I pull away. "What was that about?"

She breaths heavily. "Nothing. Here you go." The tequila is gently placed on my lap and I quirk an eyebrow.

"Thank God it's Friday, huh?" I tease her.

She starts the car, rolling her eyes. "Shut up. My day was stressful I deserve some rest."

"I'm sure your day was only stressful because I wasn't there." I turn my head straight, afraid that she will think I'm a weirdo who likes staring.

I might be. But in a good way, in my defense.

She is just so fucking gorgeous that hurts.

"If you were there I would be a little happier, yeah."

We chatted about a bunch of random things our way there and it was so cool see how she can talk about anything without being weird or boring. Being silent with her was almost impossible, it seemed like we had all the subjects that exists to talk about in our heads today.

"Wanna play a game?" I ask her after having a large shot of the booze.

She looks at me and nods. "Did you bring any?"

I give her a laugh. "No, silly. I'm talking about a drinking game or a adaptation of one." My explanation makes her confused. "Okay. Let's go straight to the rules, then. I will ask you a question and if you don't want to answer you have to pick one of my three options of dare. After that it's your turn and we go forever and ever." I finish playfully.

"I'm in." She says as she sits straight. "It's fun that we came here for a walk but are sitting down drinking tequila." Her thought makes both of us giggle.

I get lost on the sound of the waves crashing on the sand. There's no one here except from us and usually this statement would make me scared but being here so free from cameras, paparazzis, interviewers and all that shit feels incredibly good. Being here with her feels incredibly good.

"I will start." She states and I just make a gesture for her to keep going. "My question for you, Miss Y/LN, is..." She tries to build up some tension but fails miserably. She laughs at her own failure and throws her head back while doing it.

And just like that, I feel happier than I've ever been before. A weird wave of joy filled my body as I looked at her. She's just laughing. 'Come on, Y/N, get your shit together.' I think to myself but even like that, I can't. She's just sitting right beside me laughing and still it seems like she's doing something amazing. It is amazing to me. How can she just sit here and look this beautiful?

What is this girl doing with my life? With me, in general?

She is gorgeous in a way that I'm not used to. I have seen way too many pretty girls but this one is different. She looks like a perfect diamond shaped like a woman. Untouchable and unreachable.

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