Chapter 10: Family Day

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*Margaret: Your mother
*Marjorie: Your grandmother
*Emmanuel: Your father

Y/N's point of view

"To what do I owe the honour of this call?" I ask as I answer my phone. I hear the cute giggling that makes my heart warm and smile softly.

"I just wanted to talk to you. I know it's a dumb reason to call someone but here I am being dumb for you." Elizabeth explains.

Of course it is a dumb reason and if it was anyone else I would just apologize and hang up but when she's the one doing it I find it the most lovely thing ever.

"It's not dumb, Miss Olsen. It's lovely." My voice cracks because of my smile and she seems to notice. "You are lovely."

"No, you are." Elizabeth compliments back. "What are you doing right now?" She asks.

"I'm loading the car and waiting for Scarlett to come down so we can have lunch. What about you?" I close the trunk of the car and make my way to the driver's seat.

"I'm getting ready to go to my sister's house. It appears that she wants to make a family dinner tonight and wants me to help her with the preparation."

We usually talk a lot about her family because her sisters are always calling her or something, but I haven't had the opportunity of meeting them just yet. Lizzie says that their dream is for me to pose for their brand and honestly? I'm seriously thinking about it. Maybe not right now because my hands are very full since the schedule to the show is getting extended but soon enough.

"Ashley?" I ask and she murmurs an 'yeah'. "Maybe she'll finally tell you guys that she found a husband." I joke and Lizzie laughs a little bit.

We're always joking around about Ashley being the stranded of her family because even MK has a boyfriend now. I know Lizzie's single too but I don't feel like joking about it because I know she's only single because she wants to be. I mean, have you looked at her?

"I honestly hope so. I could use a big important event right now." She completes my thinking.

"Why? Tired of wearing regular clothes already?" I ask and even if I can't see her face I know she's trying her best not to roll her eyes.

"Kinda, actually. I bought a very fancy dress last week and have absolutely no use for it." Elizabeth shares her thoughts and I let myself imagine how we would look hot wearing formal clothes together. Damn. Hot couple alert and we're not even a couple. "Y/N?"

"Oh, sorry. I went out for a second." I apologize. "Why did you bought it, then?"

She sighs. "No particular reason."

That sounded like a big white lie but I decide to ignore it because if she wanted to tell me she would've.

"Bad bitch alert!" Scarlett screams, jumping inside the car without even opening the door. "God! I love convertible cars!" She shouts excitedly. I point to the phone and she quirks an eyebrow. "Is that your mysterious girl?" She asks a little to loud and I hear Elizabeth gasping on the other side. Fuck. "Hello, Y/N's girlfriend!" She starts to yell so 'the mysterious girl' could hear it. "Nice to meet you! I'm the best friend!"

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