Chapter 8: Ours

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Chapter's song: Tolerate it – Taylor Swift

Y/N's point of view

My previous weeks at work were as perfect as the others I had. My routine was becoming funnier and funnier every day. Kat, Elizabeth and I were having lunch together practically every day, except for the ones where Denning's left us to see her fiancé at some fancy restaurant. I really like her but I can't lie about the fact that I love when it's just me and Lizzie. It seems like we're completely in harmony every single time. But now that we're being called 'The golden trio' by our coworkers, it's rare the days that we hang out without Kat. It's been two months since I started there and if everything goes according to our plan, the show must be finished by December. We want to share the trailer in the christmas season as a gift for the fans. After that we will just enjoy the hollidays and wait for the premiere party/panel. I'm looking forward for that part because my fans will just freak out seeing me with all those MCU people.

Everyone always expected me to join Marvel at some point because of my friendship with Scarlett and all the Black Widow t-shirts I have. When the rumors about me being on the set of Wandavision were already all over the internet Nadia made an official announcement along with the crew that take care of the accounts of the show. It was very funny recording that video because I looked absolutely ridiculous trying to imitate Wanda's moves.

Nothing too serious happened, though. My mother has been acting weird about her and my father, but except for that my life continues being the normal life of a famous singer. People has been asking me for an album because there is over an year since I dropped the last one. I'm planning on recording a single just to keep my boat floating, but I'm not sure what to write yet. It could be about Scarlett but I already have half of an album about her so I'm trying to scratch that idea, even though she's still the only person I have that source of inspiration. It could be about Lizzie but I'm way too scared of my skills on writing because people would notice it'd be about her. She would notice. Scarlett would notice.

No. Definitely no song about Elizabeth.

Maybe I should write about my parents or something. About my life in London.

Anyway, me and Scarlett only got closer the past few months too. Scarlett has been so very caring and loving lately, like she's trying to make me happier than I already am. That doesn't bother me, of course, but I don't want her to do this just 'cause she thinks I'm annoyed or something because I'm not.

And all of that leads us right here, behind a steering wheel listening to Avril Lavigne and taking the route 10 towards Las Vegas.

Scarlett insisted that I was working way too much and offered me a trip to the second best place ever. Of course I would say no if she had chosen a work day but she was quite clever and booked us a hotel for the last weekend of May. I don't have that much work to do until Monday so it is the perfect moment. But, of course that when I said yes I had no idea she wanted a roadtrip. I mean, why would we drive when we can just cacth a fifty-nine-minute flight?

Besides that, she's not even driving herself because she really believes she's a natural navigator.

We all know that's not true, right?

Scarlett's point of view

The good part of the silence established inside the car as soon as I got in was that I had time to try to understand exactly what had happened in my head at the time I had suggested that we should make this trip. We've traveled together countless times, don't get me wrong, but since Y/N told me she has feelings for another person something has been giving me a horrifying bellyache.

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