Chapter 16: Excuse me

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Waking up has never ever been so good.

The first thing I feel when my body starts to functioning is the annoying light of the sun against my face. I realize that I forgot to close my curtains last night and start to cursing myself until the discomfort disappears. I open my eyes and see Lizzie's hand covering my face from afar. "Don't worry about it, London girl. You can go back to sleep." Her raspy voice makes me dry swallow in anxiety. I look back to her face and see how perfect it is.

Her hair is falling perfectly against my pillow and we're way too close. "Good morning, American smile." I say, not leaving her eyes. "I don't want to sleep anymore."

"Alright." She smiles and drops her hand. "Good morning, then, Y/N."

We stay silent and she just comes closer, resting her head on my chest. I let my hand travel her back, caressing carefully. "Wanna see something truly nice?" I ask her, that just hums positively. My free hand reaches my drawer and I open it, grabbing the crumbled piece of paper and straightening it to her.

She grabs it and reads it. I feel her heart pounding against my body and feel so complete. She feels exactly the same things I feel about her.

"Kiss the prettiest girl in the party." She reinforces. "That was your last task."

"Yes, indeed. And I did kiss her." I say, playfully.

Elizabeth smiles openly. "Isn't it pretty to think?" She asks. "We had no idea, but our last tasks were exactly the same. We really wanted that kiss, didn't we?"

I lay against my stomach and get up on my elbows. "Yeah, we did." My head falls a little and I just stop staring at her. "But you still ran away like it was the biggest mistake of your life."

Yesterday, I guess I was more chill about the whole ghosting situation and all that stuff, but waking up now and seeing what I could've had that time makes me see how angry I should be at her. Not one single thing I think about the way she acted makes sense in my head. For me, she just wanted to stay away. She made that choice. And I stayed there, waiting and waiting. I ask myself if she would've been come after me if it wasn't the event last night, but all the roads in my mind say she wouldn't.

And to be honest, she cannot blame me for that.

Elizabeth gets up and asks me for a couple things for her to do her morning routine. After she gets inside my bathroom I just go to the social one, outside my room, and do the same thing. I take a shower and listen to some songs to relax a little bit, then I brush my teeth and take a time to take some care of my skin.

When I get out, I hear noises in the front door.

"Where are you going?" I ask, drying my hair with a towel.

Also, I feel like this was the most bipolar night and morning I've ever had. First, I went to my own concert being pissed at her but then she teased me so I just ignored my bad feelings. We came home together, woke up together and now she's leaving again.

What a bloody roller coaster.

Elizabeth frozes in place and looks at me with something I can't really identify. "What does it look like, Y/N?"

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