Crying by your self?

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So sorry it's been so long, preparing for University is so stressful! Plus computers really should not be allowed to update because it can lead to stupid Word deleting chapters, hence the long wait. the freaking out from Uni is really not help either....

Some of you may have been confused by the last chapter, IT WAS SUPOSSED TO BE CONFUSING!!!!! Hopefully this will clear up any questions you had...

Please enjoy and comment on anything you like, or if something doesn't work!!!(thank you)

Gabriel's POV:

I'm living at Trouble's, which I have been dreaming about for, literally, months on end. I just hate how it finally came about. I hate it.

The constant early mornings are a bloody god dam bummer too, but I'm getting used to them now, sort of, after Jess dumped a bucket of f*****g ice cold water over my head. That was the first time, and only, time I refused to get up, it's an experience I really don't want to repeat! I do get why we have to though, especially at the moment.

Working with animals is something I've always loved, on the side, but never thought I could be any good at, that was for people who didn't work for super f*****g spy organisations. Apparently however, I'm not absolutely awful at it, for some reason I just, get what I have to do, yes, the blood sort of bothered me for the first few times, it still makes me feel a little sick, but my sewing skills are super handy when closing, my stiches are even neater than Sang's! I still love clothes, always will, but this, looking after animals is what I was born to do.

Currently I'm doing most of the feeds, with help from Jess, when really needed. Trouble's looking after anything more complicated, which currently includes a rhino, that m***********g poachers left for f*****g dead somewhere, after shooting and digging out his horn, which is made out of the same thing as human fingernails, it's ridiculous how much they can get for them. He was stabilised, then flown in by special delivery, where she gets the money to send a private f*****g plane to Asia, I have no bloody idea. Jess has informed me that this is a common occurrence. Stupid f*****g poachers.

Dr. R's taken time off work, so he can live here, helping care for the two boy's who were f******g tortured, by my brothers. Trouble is a fan- f******g- tastic doctor, everyone says so, but she doesn't have the same amount of experience as Dr. R, plus she has animals that need her help almost as much as my brothers.

Plus, there are still around thirty puppies, from the huge load that we helped rescue, the rest have healed enough that they can move on to other homes, something Jess has been doing while I've been here, taking a few every day. Trouble recons that around ten will end up being here permanently, I can tell which ones, the only person that they let near them is Trouble, she's moved them to the same bay as Luke and North, now North's open wounds had healed, so that she can go between them all easily.

North has been in an induced coma since we brought him back, as far as I can understand it's for two reasons.

1) He has some kind of brain bleed, which means it would be ruddy dangerous to wake him. There was then a load of f*****g complicated doctor talk, from the two doc's in the house. Trouble did her best to explain, but it was really going straight over my god dam head so I told her to go help the puppies.

2) He won't be able to go on pain killers when he wakes up, so he has to be healed enough for that to be feasible. It's due to the number of f*****g drugs that my 'team' shot him up with, no one wants him to be addicted when he wakes up, so they're doing their best to wean him off before they bring him out? That was how they explained it anyway, I think it was a f*****g simplification, but at least it made sense to us non doc's.

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