chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Her silence made me fume inside me with rage; I think I called myself stupid in more than a hundred ways in just one minute. Don't even want to imagine the obscene thing I have called myself had it not been a monologue.

"So that's how you know the janitor, it has always been you. You followed me everywhere, evaded my privacy and put my business up for the entire teenage community to judge" I said with fake exaggerated humour. "i have known you to be so many things, but I missed out the part where you hated me that much_" I swore I wasn't going to cry, but I knew that my eyes were already glassy.

"No no no_not really, I actually_" savannah tried to say but Stephanie is the most eloquent of the two best friends.

"It was me crystal" her voice came from the short flight of stairs across us. She did a dramatic bow and went on to explain how there was too much sexual tension coming from me and savannah in the tattoo shop that she knew she had just scored for herself the position of match maker_her words not mine_

"But I started receiving the sneaky gifts before I passed by the tattoo shop"

"that's still me, but with savannah's permission" she told me of how she was shocked savannah wanted her to play mail man on the 'big golf Saturday' as savannah had called it, because she was going to declare her undying love to love of her life. "Imagine my frown when she came to school with a frown instead of a boyfriend" according to her, she had seen the sudden closeness of Savannah Rash Daniels and Nick Jones, and assumed they were almost a thing more than just dance buddies.

"But she did though; I mean declare her undying love to the love of her life"

"What's that suppose to mean" the two best friends said in unison, one in utter shock the other in complete mirth.

"you love me a lot more than you let on, but for today lets settle for you loving me enough to wait till I get home late, before we can talk properly" I tried to mimic my best impression of savannah remembering everything I heard her say on phone that Saturday, word for word. "and am not sorry I eavesdropped"

"Damn" Stephanie said with amusement in her eyes

"Oh_that..." savannah said with a completely crimsoned face.

"Well I only caught the end of the conversation" I said a little harsher than I had intended to, damn! , the idea of savannah loving someone else doesn't sit well with me at all.

"Well, well, well seems like my friend here wasn't the only one having it so bad right from the start" leave it Stephanie to say things as they are. But I already had a stale taste in my mouth remembering that savannah did declare her undying love to the love of her life.

"thank you for the paint brushes and all the stuff you sent, but can you both quit stalking me please? first, its Jordan then you two. Now I know three of the people stalking me and none of them is the creep, and that's just scary as fuck given that I don't even know how many people I will have to discover before the creep shows up"

Before they could say anything more I head for the stairs Stephanie had appeared from but I caught a feint whisper from Stephanie saying go for your girl and she jumped off the deck into the water.

"Crystal wait" savannah's voice cut through the peace of other people idling on the upper deck. But I kept walking.

"About the janitor "now that got me stop.

She got closer and I said to her just enough for only her to hear " I don't care about him, you are also my stalker, and you kissed me even though you are in love with someone else already, you fucking played me"

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