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Three years have passed since the day I turned sixteen, I survived the pandemic or so that's what I think, and I wasn't lovesick anymore, I don't check my phone every now and then to see if savannah had called or even texted me. I still occasionally watch her videos on YouTube that always had her and nick acting like husband and wife though, and I don't get angry or mad watching them anymore, I finally have learnt to actually love her from a distance. Maybe it's because loving her is all I have been doing since I was nine or maybe am still holding on to what she said.

"Don't ever forget it or doubt it. It doesn't matter what happens, who I become or even who you become"

Am beginning to think that my dedication to her social media accounts and YouTube videos is just habitual and no longer a burning desire to feed my mind with new details of her face. Even though I have noticed that she got her nose done and the ring there had made me think that her nose might be the most sexy thing to grace the internet, or how her 't' and 'r' don't sound same anymore, her accent has been altered. She even has a perfect tan to her skin replacing her pale complexion that I had once loved so much.

Maybe, just maybe.


I have been helping my dad renovate the guest bedroom, which apparently only needed a new closet and new paint. I actually think that I might have been giving him just moral support instead of physical help, but he didn't complain and I wasn't going to be one who ruins that for me.

We needed supplies for the work, so my dad let me drive his truck down the store and like I have been doing for the past three years, I passed by savannah's house with the silly hope that there's enough luck in the world to go round and that day was going to be the day I get to see the girl who used to be my Blondie Just like I have been hoping every other day I used that route. But I guess I had been way too far behind on the queue of luck. so It's possible that it was just habitual for me to use the route that passes by savannah's place and that am not being forced by the emptiness of my heart to tread along that path, but my longing stare towards her bedroom window might dictate otherwise.

So that day I passed by, and as usual, I risked a glance towards savannah's former bedroom window, but like every day for the past three years, it was locked with no sign of my former blonde lover.

At the store, I bought my supplies and was a bought to start the car for my departure, when a girl who is probably my age mate knocked on my window. She looked like we could be friends with the way her long hair was unkempt, it was quite a sexy look on her.

"Are you heading north?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Could you help me with my_" she pointed behind her at four medium boxes "my sister in law was supposed to pick me up but she's mourning the loss of her lover_"

"I know all about that way too well_ say no more miss" we loaded the boxes in the back of the truck.

"your chariot awaits my lady" I made a dramatic bow and we both chuckled, in fact we shared a laugh, and it felt relaxing, for a moment it me reminded of Stephanie, who was away in Paris learning everything France has to offer when it comes to art.

"In case I need pay for my services later in the future, who should I come looking for?"

"So smooth_ the name is Danielle, and who will I be thanking for my chariot?"

"That would be my dad, but the name is Crystal, it progresses to Criss after you have earned the 'friend' title" she laughed at that and shortly we stopped in front of a new building that had just been completed.

"Thank you Criss" she saluted me "also since you are on the road please be a darling and help drop this at the address attached" she scribbled something on a paper and put it in a parcel.

"Sure, I think I could earn a living lending a hand


While we were working on the closet, I chanced a glance through the window out of boredom and I swear I saw a blonde who looked like the one I have been fantasizing about pass by rather swiftly.

I had completely forgotten about the package Danielle asked me to deliver, until my dad asked me why it took me so long to bring the supplies. I raced back to the truck later in the evening when I remembered to give back my dad's keys to him, and surprisingly, the address on the envelope was my house and it had my name on it, I ripped it open only to find three words well calligraphic-ed on a piece of paper it read.

I fucked up

With no name and no return address. That night I didn't sleep recollecting the events that transpired the last time someone dropped sneaky letters at my door step, so the next day, I did the only logical thing I know how to do, search for answers. I went back to look for Danielle at the building I had dropped her; I found her decorating the walls of an empty hall with big windows and a high ceiling.

"Hey" I called out through the loud music she was blaring.

"Oh Criss, I see you were serious about getting your pay, good thing, I have more packages to deliver, could you please be a darling again?"

"No, ah mean yes....but first, who sent the other one I delivered?"

"Just my sister in law" she said nonchalantly "she has been mopping around the house since came to live with us, and wouldn't leave the house unless in a car. This is her dance studio, she was supposed to have come here to help me but her lazy ass will need a ride"


"What?" she probably thought I had gone nuts.

"Did you know that you were supposed to deliver yesterday's parcel to me right from the beginning of meeting me?"

"What? C. Ba'borique, that's you? _No fucking way!" she looked me up and down "but I like it that it's you" "anyway since all the packages were supposed to go to the same address, please pack your deliveries and go"

I grabbed a couple of parcels and boxes that were identical to the ones my high school stalker used to send me, suddenly my palms were sweaty and my heart beat accelerated dangerously, I thought it was going to break a few ribs with how hard it was beating.

"Ah _ah your sister in-law" did I just stutter? "You said she needed a ride"

"Yeah?" a smirk was playing on her lips like she had already put two and two together."I can pick her up for you, just give me the address"

She did and it was Mart's home. "I didn't know you were married to Mart?"

"No no no, it's my sister who is married to him; his are way too much muscles for my taste"

"Couldn't agree more" she made silly kissing sounds at my retreating figure.

On my way to Marts place, I read a few of the parcels and one said

I will wait till am forgiven

According to her little notes, the boxes contained things she bought every time she saw something that reminded her of me


She opened the door when she heard the rambling of my engine. her hair was in a messy bun, her face was clear of any make up, her nose ring glittered against the streak of sunlight hitting her face, her bottom lip tucked in between her teeth, she was just the way I remembered her to be. her skin wasn't actually as tanned as her instagram and YouTube videos made her look like, she was just perfect.

Her midriff was exposed courtesy of her cropped top her shapely legs were covered by the sweat pants that were hanging to low on her waist. I swallowed hard at the sight. Her feet were covered in Nike Air Jordan. She was walking towards my car with a grace of a dancer and my insides melted. and her belly button was looking at me daring me to get out of the car and meet her halfway. The jumper tied around her waist made it look like she was twisting her waist with every step she took, and I so fucking loved it.

It's nice to make your acquaintance neighbor.

The closer she got, the more I wondered if that was rock bottom, this is me falling for her all the way.

I still love my blonde

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