Chapter 14

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I met Steph at a café whose name had always made me want to try out any of their sugary treats. Well I hated coffee but I loved sugar and all kinds of cream, I am all for sugar in my life. TASTES AND TEMPERATURES is the name of the café. The name to me, had an erotic touch to it, sometimes I imagined that biting into one of their delicacies might give me an orgasm that wasn't initiated by myself.

Yeah, what a name!

Steph chose to bring Savannah along, and I didn't mind because she made herself scarce, and it seemed to me that she didn't want to be in the same room as me, and the feeling was mutual. So yeah, we had a 'savannah-free' 'date' even though I was certain she would be watching us somehow. She asked if Stephanie will be okay before she left, and curtly said to me; "you too better be okay" which I interpreted to mean "I better not find your tongue down my friend's throat" before she unnoticeably made herself scarce.

Stephanie and I slipped into a booth where she bought a diet Coke for herself and a strongly ginger flavored sparkling water for me. Talk about people who know what to buy for me on bad days. Just like coffee, I hated ginger too, but I knew I needed it.

"Am sorry" she said, reaching out for my hands and gave them a squeeze that brought me out of my ever crowded mind and added "Besides Savannah, you are the other person I really care about. Am sorry I kissed you, and ruined it for you with our crush" I blushed

"Am not sorry I kissed you back_" I blushed again; my boldness kind of shocked me too.

"Kissing you didn't feel horrible or even a little bit wrong. Besides, you are good at it. But I would rather keep you as a friend. It doesn't mean you don't measure up or someshit, it just means am the idiot who is chasing after what might never be hers_"

We both chuckled and looked out as though it was the most natural thing to do after addressing an awkward situation. The glass doors in our line of sight were close enough to reflect whatever was happening outside the café.

Savannah was chasing a little boy Miko's age, while carrying what I assumed to be the boy's baby sibling, the boy looked like an embodiment of Pinocchio as a real boy. At some point, the boy fell down, but before he could completely make the crying face, savannah had blown air on the knee that came in contact with the ground when he fell, and shown him a thumbs-up. From my angle, the boy seemed to have smiled at that. Savannah whispered something into his ear and he dived off to the direction of the ice cream corner, and Savannah followed after him with the baby still in hand. From where I was sitting, she looked like a naughty baby sitter.

"How couldn't we not fall for her?" Stephanie voiced. And I agreed despite my not so big interest in children and babies. I turned to face her, and noticed how void of any emotions her face was "How could she have fallen for us?"

"I was thinking the same_" she said back, her ears were unusually tinted with blush, probably from embarrassment at being caught fantasying about her best friend.

"So we stick to being friends. yeah?"

"Right" she said in a whisper.

"Lately, people I care about have been letting me go quite easily, please don't turn out to be like them"

"That sounds like something that has nothing to do with me_"


"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No! But Nick and Jordan will burn in hell. Even if it means that I have to drive them there myself_"

"Ouch_" she breathed out with a raised eyebrow. "Amen" she finally said.

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