Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

There was an unusual chatter in the living room when I descended the stairs from my bedroom. The sight that greeted me was nothing short of a surprise. Jordan was stuffing his face with my mother's limited edition of Spanish omlette and that wasn't all, he was chatting her up like they had each known other in another life, and quite frankly I had never imagined that my mother was capable of acknowledging humour, let alone laugh. He managed to squeeze enough praise and compliments out of her that I was almost convinced he had replaced Savannah and became my mom's new favourite. My paranoia or better yet delusions were getting the best of me with suspicions when it came to Jordan. He'd seamlessly woven himself into my life in such a short time. And he knew at least everything about everything.

He was suddenly everywhere.

I went to school in Jordan's car, and his reason for picking me up was that he thought it would be smart to talk about things we would need for the fishing weekend while we are on the way to school and that was really lame.

Somehow in between the unhelpful list we were making, Jordan started pestering me to take getting my driver's license seriously, and in between all those arguments, I was checking out Savannah's Instagram and I swear she was getting hotter every day. At this point it was clear that I was stupid, infatuated, creepy and sold out.

"Crystal wait" I heard Nick's voice calling me the minute me and Jordan parted ways, I was sure he was not going not like my response to his voice but I stood and waited to give it to him anyway.

"Good morning?" for a moment I felt bad for the uncertainty in his greeting. just two weeks ago, it was completely unnecessary for us to greet each other, so the formalities were definitely disturbingly unusual.

"It was a good morning till you showed up looking like you are about to apologize again"

"I am s_" I stopped him with my index before he could apologize for the hundredth time.

"Listen, we're cool, you are sorry and it's really okay, you don't have to apologize to me every time we talk" I paused for effect and allowed what I had just said to sink in "I said we will talk and I meant it, but if you keep pestering me about it we might never get past the fact that you kissed me"

"I have been kissed by a lot of people, you don't want to be first person that makes it weird for me" He pouted hitting me with a brief dose of nostalgia. At sixteen I had already snatched way too many kisses, perhaps a number a psychiatrist would find fascinating.

"So friends..."

"We will go back to being friends one step at a time_" I then walked away without looking back, all the way to the Art studio so I could try and come up with a complete and proper sketch to depict what I had talked about in my essay.

I found Stephanie already in the studio, it was like when she wasn't in art class, she was in the studio, and when she wasn't there, she was at a tattoo parlor, she and Art could have been kin for as much I know, she Is art and art is her.

"lemme guess, you were here before six"

"Yeah, want to do as much work on my project as possible" According to her, she wanted to leave a clean slate for the weekend, she didn't want to get behind her progress. When she talked about Art, She transformed from the uptight straight 'A' student she was into a toddler on Christmas morning. It was refreshing to see raw passion that wasn't sexual.

"Well then, go ahead and work away, I will watch" I winked and she smiled.

"But now that I see you putting models to shame in blue pants and a flannel, I think a little chit chat with a hot girl won't do any harm" she joked. Or maybe I thought she was joking.

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