Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The thoughts prior to me sleeping off in the safety of my bed dangled somewhere in a mundane part of my brain over taking the intensity at which they had washed over me in my drowsy state. A couple of things were clear as day; Nick and savannah were up to no good and making no effort to cover it all up, I wanted to ask Nick about it but our friendship had gotten a strain and there seemed to never be a good time for us to talk anyway, and savannah was a no go for me because of reasons only a hormonal teenager could relate to.

It was like an avalanche of unanswered questions had been released to attack me, questions only savannah and Nick could answer accurately if only they could dare to be honest: a lot of events deluded me, like, how Nick and Savannah seemed to already have been close to one another despite Nick having told me weeks back that he was intimidated by Nash. A lot about him asking me to be his wing woman didn't add up.

The questions might have been excruciatingly loud on my mind but it was nothing a fluffy pancake couldn't silence, more so when topped with an alarming amount of syrup, what can I say? I love it when my mom makes breakfast for us but I could literally die for my dad's pancakes.

I was just getting done dressing up when Miko barged in my room holding a fairly good sketch of a snowman, he didn't have actual school that day because he had hurt himself in his fencing class so he had the luxury of a baby sitter and a play date with his dog.

"Can I put my drawing next to Nash's picture?" he asked me with his most manipulative puppy eyes.


"And can I put Nash's picture next to my drawing on the fridge?"


"Can I at least take the picture to school; my friends don't believe I know her"



"Okay but tomorrow after am done sketching you next to her"

"Yes!" he exclaimed then punched the air with his little hands.

The back story is: a squirrel used to crib in our back yard and her and Bode the now mikos dog became playmates, but one day when I was ten, I came back home from savannah's only to find that the poor thing had died on our lawn, my dad told me it had died of old age but in my heart of hearts I believed someone had killed it, so I made a murder board trying to catch the killer which I didn't, but I ended up with a board in my room full of people's faces I had sketched, and just like that, I got a wall of fame in my room that was mostly flooded with sketches I had made of savannah and some complete drawings, with time I started adding other sketches of my family and friends and celebrities but the board was still crowded with pictures I had drawn of savannah, and now there're some of Mikos drawings and pictures.

"Wow, I didn't know you were that fond of me" savannah had commented onetime when she saw how frequent she appeared on my wall of fame.

"Those I draw because Miko asks me to" I had explained trying to not end up looking like a creep for having her everywhere on my wall. I don't know if she believed me because I spent an entire evening avoiding her eyes anyway.

My phone went off and for a moment I hoped it was Nick texting me, it gave me a ghastly nostalgia for when nick and I dated after my thirteenth birthday, and a but sweet kind of nostalgia for when I used to have lucid fantasies about me and savannah being a couple.

Nick and I had made an unintelligent decision to date each after we had discovered that most of the kids in our class had boyfriends or even girlfriends. It was completely an impulsive relationship to make us look like cool teens, I had asked him to be my boyfriend on my thirteenth birthday as a gift to myself and he had said yes of course, but we broke it off within two weeks when he saw me kissing a redhead who had just been transferred to our school.

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