Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Unlike most people , i was never a lover of the weekend because of how programmed it was, every social gathering and all conventional practices were monotonous and predictable, making the two days of the weekend the most boring of all days of the week courtesy of living in a small town, I actually envied Nick when he started attending meetings after getting caught with a body running on drugs; he got to listen to the craziest of stories and actually learn from them while I stayed at home thinking about doing those same things that could be lethal to me, basically day dreaming about the most self destructing things I could do.

The horrors of the weekend made me love Mondays despite waking up tired and lazy every time. I did not love it for academic purposes though but because I got to see Savannah without having to make up an excuse, not that I have ever made up one, that's if you don't count the fact that I joined ICT class just because she was in the same class and maybe the few times I'd purposely left my beanie at her home just so I could have a reason to go back, and I might or might not have asked Adrian to let me intern for him because savannah had been working at his company, ok! Maybe I have made up excuses to see her in past but only a few and the ones I don't remember don't count. Or maybe they do.

She usually entered the Monday morning English class ten seconds after the tardy bell had sounded, and every Monday morning, I counted to ten in my mind before a knock is heard at the door, her average time of arrival had been on the seventh second. I wasn't a stalker or anything like that, I was just expertly observant. So what, if my observation skills only limited me to her!

"You are late..." the English teacher would say.

"And am not sorry..." she would say and wink at the class then bat her lashes at the poor teacher. It worked every time.

Her presence in class had always helped me not legit yawn throughout the entire lesson time, it also worked as a distraction to keep me from rolling my eyes for the whole hour because of how much I despised English classes, I'd never really gotten the point of studying a subject that had potential to increase my vocabulary and eloquence when I hated talking, besides, upgrading my spoken English might subsequently increase my vulgar vocabulary, a thing that might not work well with my mom.

See, I was a genius.

Nick usually skipped English, so his absence had never been news to me, he was always out breaking rules preferably in our sweet spot at the janitor's.

But he had lost his muse to keep him out of  class when he got cut off drugs and even off booze; he even ripped his fake ID out of frustration. I know it's hypocritical, but I had always liked him less when he used drugs. he is alarmingly and chronically skinny, a thing we both had in common and drugs without proper food made his ribcages press painfully against me every time he hugged me fiercely and I always teased him about putting on a bit more flesh or even muscles which he was starting to get after quitting or rather after pausing drugs.

He texted me to be at our hideout a couple of minutes into the English class and I for one had a pending interrogation I wanted to subject him to before applauding him for looking healthier, so I ditched the class for the stall.

The hideout was locked when I got to it with no sign of Nick; I wondered if he had gotten in trouble for skipping class before he could make it to the stall. I paced around the 'out of bounds' area, for a moment I contemplated leaving but it wasn't long before I wasn't alone and I immediately wished that I had left the minute my guts told me to.
"How may I help you miss?" a post teen guy in a janitor's uniform spoke ahead of the sound his footsteps, he appeared so ghostly out of nowhere and it felt like he had been watching me right from when I walked right up to the stall. I could almost swear that he had been waiting for me.

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