[48] Battles

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this chapter is actually the longest chapter I had written in a while and I had so much fun writing it so it would mean the world to me if you commented your hearts out on this chapter and voted and gave me as much feedback as possible because right after this chapter things will be going down ;) so basically if you comment more, the faster the updates will come because they really do encourage me to write more! as always, enjoy! :D


Deep, slow breathing resonated in my ears as I awoke, uncertain of what it was that made me awake from the depths of sleep. My face was tucked into the warmth of Harry's back and my arm was draped over his stomach, his hand captured mine as he held it close to his chest. I could feel the peaceful expansion of Harry's chest as he took deep and steady breaths in his sleep. A ridiculous smile spread on my lips as I realized that, one again,he was the little spoon.

His fingers, which were tangled with mine at his chest, slightly twitched as he slept so soundly, so peacefully. I was glad that he could still sleep so peacefully after everything he has been through, every struggle that he fought was surely put to rest as he slept in peace. I felt an unexpected blush rush to my cheeks as my eyes shifted to his back and red marks scratched onto his tan yet smooth skin.

My fingers had slowly trailed over each of the scratches on his back, some of them very faint but most of them shaded a deep pink. My mind automatically went back to last night and the incredible way he made me feel. I had made those marks on him. As examined these marks, I had noticed his muscles were shifting beneath his heavenly tanned skin as well his skin slight stretching as his chest heaved up and down.

I had also noticed that his breathing was slightly shallow now and unsteady, meaning that he had been pulled from the depths of sleep. A sigh blew out from my lips before I gently pressed them to the scarred skin on his back. He flinched a bit at the contact but immediately relaxed as he got a bit used to the familiar warmth of my lips on his skin.

Right as I pulled away, he shifted his body over to face me. The wide smile on his face never faded as his green eyes met mine, the palm of his hand gently cradled the side of my face as he stared deeply into my eyes.

"Good morning, love." Harry spoke happily, his voice raspy and laced with sleep as well as his features.

"Good morning, baby." I replied, feeling just as content as he was.

"Last night was fun," Harry mumbled, his thumb gently tracing the outline of my lips.

"Very." I agreed and blissfully laughed as he chuckled deeply. His thumb dragged along my lower lip and he watched as it moved with his touch but slapped back into place as he released it. "What will we be doing today, Harry?"

"We can make breakfast or we can go out and eat. We can go see how Niall and Liam are doing. We can go to the movies. We can take a long walk at the park. We can do anything, it really doesn't matter just as long as you're happy." Harry leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips. Although our lips did not move, it was perfect because the sparks flying through my body felt incredible.

"We have class tomorrow so I don't think we should stay out very late, though." I sighed, already feeling annoyed at the thought of going back to class tomorrow and not spending another one of my days with Harry. I mean, I didn't have to go but I really did not want to deal with my parents lecturing and threatening me to stop paying for everything of mine all at once if I kept on not attending class.

"Alright." Harry quietly agreed.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him, referring to the amount of alcohol we both had consumed last night. In all honesty, I had a bit of a headache but it was no where near to what I usually felt when I got wasted the night before.

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