[19] No Control

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for this chapter you should hear the song falling for you by the 1975 because in my opinion I think it really fits like the end of the chapter lol! Hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it, love you!


I rush into my car and quickly set my phone into navigation when Niall text me his location from Harry's phone. What could possibly going on there that Niall needs me? I hope they are safe from all the thrashing and banging I heard from over the line. Harry and I aren't even on speaking terms.

Fifteen minutes later, the navigation on my phone tells me I have arrived. I do not bother to check my surroundings as I rush into an unfamiliar apartment complex. Since it is only 9pm, there is still many people in the main lobby and they stare at me as I rush into the building and frantically click the elevator doors open. I step into the elevator and check the text one last time, clicking the forth button on the panel and the elevator doors shut. Seconds turn into hours until the elevator doors slide open, I run out of them and dash down halls. I have done this way too many times already.

After a few minutes of searching for Niall's apartment, I find it and a wave of relief washes over me. I harshly knock on the hard wood door and seconds later Niall opens the door with a worried expression on his face. "Ariana, thank you for coming!" He says and I push past him and walk into his apartment.

"Yea, where's Harry? Is he okay?" I ask, looking around Niall's thrashed and messy apartment. Small pieces of broken glass and wood are all over the floor, along with a few empty bottles of scotch.

"He's in the kitchen or somewhere around here." The heavy scent of liquor makes it way to my nose as I take a deep breath.

"And I am here because?" I ask. I do not see how I can control Harry when he is a mess, he hates me.

"I don't know, I know you are fighting but he is drunk, completely belligerent! He came here half drunk and he started shouting at me. He opened a bottle of scotch I had in my cabinet and started breaking anything he could get his hands on!!" Niall lets out a deep breath, clearly upset to see his best friend so angry.

"Why didn't you stop him?"

"Because, Ariana." Niall looks around his apartment and lowers his voice. "He was calling out for you..." He says and I feel my stomach tighten and my heart swell. Niall leads me through his apartment, stepping over the mess Harry made. Shattered dishes are scattered along the floor and my heels make a crunching sound as I accidentally step over a broken plate.

"Please just try to do something, Ariana. He told me everything that happened a while ago..." Niall says, placing a hand on my shoulder as he slides the balconies doors open, revealing Harry sitting down on a chair staring out into the night.

"I don't know what to do but I will try my best." I say, pulling away from Niall, walking into the balcony behind Harry. He hears my footsteps and he turns around, his blazing green eyes meeting mine and I feel like I am melting under his hard gaze. I walk up to Harry and he wears a navy blue bandana holding his hair back and his eyes are bloodshot.

"What are you doing here?" Harry raises his voice and I feel myself shrink back under his intimidating stare.

"Niall called me." I say. He just laughs, staring at me in hatred. He lifts the bottle of scotch and presses it to his lips, gulping down large amounts of it all at once.

"So why are you here?" He says, licking his lips. "Poor Harry is upset so you trying to swing by and save the day." He mocks me, his voice high and immature.

I don't know what to say. "Why are you doing this to yourself?"

"Doing what?" He purposely asks, taking another swing at the bottle; his eyes taunting as he gulps down the alcohol.

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