[4] Now

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"No." I snap, "Pick another one."

"It's called a dare for a reason," Harry scoffs, everyone's eyes switch back and forth between Harry and I, noting the tension between us.

"Well I'm not doing that one," the tension in the room is unbearable at this point, it feels like I am suffocating under everyone's stares.

"Fine." the man with chocolate colored eyes breaks the silence and my eyes dart to Harry, his eyes are not taunting at all as he stares at me, his brows are furrowed and he looks dead serious. His jaw is clenched and it takes a few seconds for me to realize I am staring right at him. "I dare you to..." he trails off, bringing his bottom lip between his teeth, "Take a shot?" he says, sounding more like a question.

"Lame." The blonde headed boy who just left interrupts. Where the hell did he come from?

"Deal." I ignore the blondes opinion and grab a small shot glass from the coffee table placed in the middle of the group. The cool rim of the glass presses against my lips and in seconds I down the drink, almost gaging.

A girl with turquoise hair gets dared to flash everyone's and she doesn't protest at all. She lifts her shirt over her head and exposes herself to us, I laugh and cover my eyes with my hands.

A boy sitting by Harrys side gets dared to make out with the half dressed girl standing by the stairs, he doesn't protest as he stands to his feet and smashes his lips onto her red stained ones. A few gasps and uncontrollable laughter comes from the group as he walks back with red stained lips and his cheeks have a slight blush to them.

A bottle of vodka is passed by the group and once I press the bottle to my lips I feel too heavy and tired to do anything else.

I give Jai's shoulder a slight shake and his eyes immediately flutter open, "Let's go." I whisper against the shell of his ear, my breath hot.

Jai nods his head in approval and I stand from his lap, taking his hand in mine.

"Leaving so soon?" A smooth deep voice says as Jai grabs the bottle from my hands and places it on the coffee table.

"Yeah," I say, grabbing my phone from my bra and switching it on, "Its almost three am."

His mouth turns into a wide smile, the corners of mouth wrinkling up. His blue eyes are so bright and alive making them shine out. "Mark is hosting another one of these next Friday, you need to stop by and have a few drinks."

"I will." I assure him.

"See you then," he shoots me a smirk and I turn on my heel and push my way out of the house, Jai trailing behind me.


My alarm goes off at exactly 8:00 am and place my hand on my throbbing forehead, still exhausted from the night before.

"Turn it off," Jai groans, throwing a pillow to my head.

"I'm coming, geez." I swipe my finger across my lit up screen and it switches off, then lay back down again. "I don't want to get up."

"Then don't," Jai's voice is think and laced with sleep.

"I have to. I can't fail any of my classes this early in the year, my parents will drop me out and I won't even have a job." I say, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes like a child. I stand from the couch and head into my room, grabbing a towel and heading into the warm shower.

The steaming water pulses against my skin, relieving some of the stress from my tense muscles. I let my hair soak in the hot water before washing it and scrubbing my body clean.

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