[57] Cold

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Previously on Clueless...


"H-Harry..." I choked out in between rattled breath. "I don't know what happened with us but I miss you so fucking much.." Sob. "I'm sorry for everything but I'm such a mess without y-you," Sob. "I love you."

A loud beep on the other end indicated that the voice message was up and sent. I had almost regretted sending the voicemail but a small part of me hoped it was what would have Harry back to me because I needed him. Frustration took over as I threw my phone onto the ground with a loud thud. I angrily wiped the tears staining my cheeks before I let the choking sobs release and shake through my body.

I felt the rejection and heartache sizzle all throughout my being as if to mock me for what I had lost. I was frustrated that I gave Harry my endless love but he avoided me because he thought he was hurting me. I needed to tell him that he was never the reason for my pain. I needed to heal some of the wounds that had inflicted upon us. I needed to fix to mess that was us. I needed to do it soon if I wanted an end to the crazy turmoil of emotions.

Suddenly, a loud crash from outside caused my heart to leap to my throat. Curiosity creeped up as I wondered what caused that loud crash. It was definitely not from outside this building, it was from this floor. My stomach churned as I heard another crash followed by a booming and heart breaking string of shouts. The sound seemed too familiar, too close.

All the color drained from my face as I heard a string of profanities boom from the room beside me. I jolted to my feet as another crash echoed throughout the empty halls. I expected to hear another thump but my heart race quickened as I was accompanied by a dead, cold silence.

My tears seemed to stop as the panic and fear stirred inside me. My hands were shaky and cold as they wiped the remaining tears off my cheeks before I ran to my bedroom to slip on some sneakers and a sweater. His sweater.

I had to see what was going on. And I knew that this noise was not from any random person in our floor, it was Harry. It was my Harry. And whatever caused him to make this disruption, was definitely not good.

My heartbeat was strumming loudly against my skull and ribcage as I struggled to pull the sweatshirt over my head. My arms struggled to pull in the sleeves and my hands were shaking too much to tie my shoe laces when I slipped my converse on.

This time I was not afraid to see Harry after three months of avoiding each other; it was all masked by anxiety because of the dead silence that was accompanied from the riot that I just heard. I needed to see Harry now because God knows what could've made him cause so much noise.

I know I should not be constantly chasing Harry like this when all he asked for was space but this time it was urgent, these noises were practically screaming for help. Each and every passing second of the eerie silence that lingered was deafening and I could feel my stomach churn violently in my abdomen as the time seemed to stretch on for years.

After pinning my hair up into its usual half up-half down style, I grabbed my keys off the counter before my shaky legs managed to walk out of my apartment and to Harry's door within seconds. I could feel heat spread all over my being as I inhaled shaky breaths to soothe myself.

After a few encouraging words to myself I decided to barge in rather than knock. My hand landed on the door knob and slowly twisted it, my stomach twisting as well; to my surprise the door was unlocked so I let myself in with no hesitation.

I couldn't believe I was doing this.

What was I doing?

Before I could walk out of this mess I managed to get myself into I made myself realize that I came here for one reason only: to check if Harry was alright. I could not walk out now, I had already shut the door behind me and there was no doubt in my mind that he heard me.

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