[36] You

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don't forget to comment because I am updating a lot earlier than I usually do and worked real hard on this chapter :)

Harry's POV.

I slowly tilted my head back as I let the hot contents of tea pour down my throat and drop into the emptiness of my stomach. Although I drank tea like nobody's business, nothing could heal the dry feeling in my throat along with the tightness of it.

But hey, I much rather drink tea for the rest of my life than drown myself in alcohol like I usually would, but couldn't bring myself to touch a drink since the night she left me.

I stared blankly at the cup of tea being tightly gripped in between my hands and jumped in fright when the silence was broken by a light tapping on my door. Warm tea poured out of the cup and spilled onto my hands and the counter, creating a ring around the mug.

"Fuck," I cursed as I cleaned the tea off the counter and threw the wet paper towel into the garbage. "What the fuck do they fucking want can't they see I am fucking busy..." I mumbled to myself as I walked towards the door, not really caring who was on the other side. I wanted to be alone. I surely did not want anyone to bother me.

I wiped my hands against the loose fabric of my sweatpants before swinging the door open, not giving the person a single glimpse as I stared down at my now wet sweatpants.

"What?" I snapped, not caring how rude I came off.


I felt my breathing completely stop. I felt my stomach violently churn in my abdomen. I felt my heart burst into a million of pieces as I felt happiness explode inside me. This was just not a random stranger at my door. This was Ariana.

I slowly tore my eyes away from my hands and I felt the tears brim into my eyes as I stared at her. She was here. Ariana was in front of me. Ariana was perfectly okay and she was safe.

Ariana was fucking here.

I stared at her, eyes blown out of their sockets and jaw dropped. And she stared back at me, her shoulders slowly slumping back down as she stared at me. I did not know what to do. There was nothing to do, actually. I wanted to cry and kiss her right then but I couldn't move. My jaw stayed dropped and my body stood frozen.

This woman, who I am completely in love with, who I have not seen in the darkest month of my life, was standing in front of me. She was here. She was home.

"A-Ariana?" My voice came out shaky, as if I haven't spoke in years. There was no way my mind and heart could catch up on what is happening. "Ariana." I clarified and cleared my throat.

"Hey," her voice was soft and scratchy, as if she had yelled way too much. I felt my heart slump deeper into the cave in my chest as she pulled out something in her sweaters pocket. "I came here to give you something.." her bottom lip was taken between her teeth and I could have sworn that I saw tears fill in her glossy eyes, but she quickly blinked them away.

"Really? Like what?" I asked. I could not believe that after a month of avoiding each other, she was here; talking to me as if it were a month ago.

"You left this at my apartment and I thought it was about time to return it to you." Her voice broke as she spoke. She did not sound like herself. She did not sound confident like her usual self. She sounded unsure of what she was supposed to say.

"Oh, um.." I rose my shaky hand to grab the navy blue bandana from her small hand, our fingers brushing as I snatched it from her and I felt my skin burn as our skin touched. "Thanks?" I said, my voice coming out more of a question.

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