chapter 1

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i wake up in my apartment in london, it's a bright day out, which felt pretty rare nowadays.

slowly, i stumble out of my bedroom and walk downstairs. as i opened up the cupboard, i realise that i have no food. "you've got to be kidding me" i mumble.

i decide to go back up the stairs and have a shower. im washing my hair when i get a message from niko. it was 9:00am, 'why is he messaging me so early?' i thought to myself. he normally goes to sleep at around 4am, so im confused why he is messaging me this early.

i hopped out of the shower, put a towel around myself and got my phone and looked at what niko wanted.
Yooo, wanna film a video today?

yeah sure! what time do you want me over there?

Gonna start in like 30 mins at the Beta House

all good, see you in 30

'niko wants me to be in a video?' i thought to myself.

i always had a bit of a crush on niko, but i was too scared to tell him just in case he didn't like me back.

niko and i had been friends for years now, a few years back i even appeared in his skit videos - back then i had a crush on him. i didn't want to tell niko i liked him because i didn't want to ruin our friendship.

i got some warm but cute clothes on, dried my hair, brushed my teeth, put on some makeup and went downstairs.


i get down to the apartments garage and get in my car

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i get down to the apartments garage and get in my car. since i didn't have breakfast i pulled into starbucks and got some coffee.

as i was waiting for my coffee i got a notification on my phone, it was from niko - again.
Btw just a warning, the videos a
spin wheel vid and its probs
gonna get messy

ffs your telling me this now?

Lmfaooo my bad my bad
See you soon

i was sitting in the starbucks drive through mentally preparing myself for this video, i knew this wasn't going to end well.

i arrived at the beta squad house and knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer.

[ i hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! this is my first story so im sorry if it's not that good, thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy the story <3 ]

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