chapter 4

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it's 11:30, i wake up to the sun shining on my eyes.
i yawn and check my phone. i stumble into the bathroom and have a shower.

i go downstairs and make myself some breakfast and watch some youtube in the lounge room. i find myself watching nikos videos, laughing at every one. i feel myself starting to smile whenever he comes on the screen.

im going for lunch with my bestfriend chrystal today, i want to tell her how i feel about niko, i think it's going to help to let her know to see her opinion on things - hopefully she will know what to do. i get into a cute outfit and leave my apartment.


i meet her at kaffeine, a small coffee shop in london

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i meet her at kaffeine, a small coffee shop in london. i walk inside and see her already sitting down. chrystal walks up to me and gives me a hug. "how are you doing babes?" chrystal asks. we have been bestfriends for 10 years and we tell each other everything.

chrystal and i talk for a while and then i finally tell her, "i think i like niko" i say quietly. i see chrystals face drop. "i knew it!" she yells. "what are you on about, how did you know?" i ask, chrystal giggles.

"every time you talk about niko you go all cutesy! it's adorable. there is silence for a second.. "so when are you gonna date?" chrystal says with a smirk. i roll my eyes at her.

after having lunch with chrystal, i drive back home - it feels as though my head is spinning.

what if he doesn't like me back?

what if he is just being nice?

i wonder if he has told his friends about me?

i make it back home, a million thoughts running through my head. i find myself scrolling through instagram when niko calls me, which took me by surprise.
niko: hey, how are you doing?
nailea: im good thanks, what are you up to?
niko: i was just calling to ask if you wanted to go out with me and the boys tonight. you can bring your friends if you'd like.
nailea: oh yeah.. that would be fun!
niko: sick, i'll send you the details.
nailea: thanks!
niko: oh and i was wonderi-
'for fucks sake' i whisper. i hung up the phone and he was about to tell me something. who knows what he was going to say. great.

i love you {niko omilana}Where stories live. Discover now