chapter 12

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3 days have passed. i roll over and open my phone and look at twitter. still, nobody believes that niko and i are just friends.

i finish breakfast and get changed into some comfy clothes, i wasn't planning on doing anything today. i brush my teeth, brush my hair and scroll through social media. i heard a knock at my door and walk downstairs. i wasn't expecting any guests today.

i open up the door and see niko. i wasn't expecting to see him today. "how are you feeling with the whole photo situation?" he asked. "well, it's a bit frustrating. everybody knows that there is something between us" i say. i was already a bit confused about our relationship, i didn't need everybody on the internet to know.

"i get what you mean, it's annoying." niko says while looking at the floor. neither of us say anything. "what is going on between us?" i murmur. he looks at me and he opens his mouth to say something but doesn't say anything. "uh, umm" niko says. i stare at him, waiting for him to say something, anything.

"what do you want us to be?" he asks. it looks like he wasn't going to tell me anything. "im not sure" i say. im a bit sick of his bullshit, why couldn't he just answer my question?

the both of us talked for a while but he had to leave because he needed to film a video with the beta squad. i said bye to him and closed the door. i felt so confused and angry that he wouldn't tell me if he wants to be more than friends.

i called chrystal and planned a catch up at a restaurant in london and decided to go out to dinner with her.

i got there, looks like chrystal wasn't there yet. i sat down at a table and waited for chrystal to show up.
after about 15 minutes she came, she sat down and ordered some food.

"so tell me, how did it go with niko? millie told me that you were going to speak to him today" i had no idea what to say to chrystal. "im just really confused. it's like he doesn't know what he wants, we literally confessed we like each other and we also kissed. im just baffed." chrystal looks down and thinks about what to say, she looks confused with the whole situation as well. "do you know when you are seeing him next?" chrystal asks.

i think to myself, i know we haven't planned anything yet. "i don't know.. i haven't spoken to him about it, and i don't know if i want to talk to him about it" i say.

i realised that maybe im the one who has to tell him what i want us to be. but did i know?

i walk back inside my apartment and do my nightly routine. i turn on keeping up with the kardashians on the tv and i can feel myself nodding out so i grab the remote and turn off the tv. i go to charge my phone when i see a message on my phone. it was niko, again.

can we go out for coffee

yeah sure, im free.
wanna go to the new cafe in london?

yeah that would be really
nice actually. 11?

see you there

i turn off my phone and try to go to sleep, but now i just couldn't. i couldn't stop thinking about seeing niko tomorrow and what i was going to say to him - or what he was going to say to me.

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