chapter 16

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it is now valentines day.

i woke up to my alarm ringing. i lay in my bed and realise im meant to be seeing niko today. it will be our first valentine day together. i get up out of bed and get ready. i finish doing my makeup and head downstairs and sit in my lounge room.

im on my phone waiting for niko to show up so we could go out and do something fun. i get a text from niko saying that he is 5 mins away from my place. i was pacing around my house waiting for him to arrive, time felt like it was going on forever.
10 minutes had gone by and i finally hear a knock at my door. i open up the door and niko was there.

i invite him inside and we sit down and talk for a while. he then stands up and says "we need to leave now, i have a surprise for you" is he serious? another surprise? when niko said that, at first i was a bit hesitant. because knowing him, he is always up to no good and always has something up his sleeves. but after some convincing, i finally agreed. after all, the last surprise was a pretty good one.

i get my puffer jacket and leave my apartment with niko. as we are walking to get to the stair, he starts being an idiot in the hallway. i saw some of my neighbours stick there heads out of their doors because of all the loud noise. one of my neighbours even scolded him about being 'way to bloody loud.' i try not to laugh since i don't want to encourage his stupid behaviour, but there are just some things you can't not do.

niko and i make it downstairs in hysterics, trying to find our composure. i get in his car and he starts driving to this 'mystery place.' we have been in the car for about an hour now, the sun had started to go down. i look in the distance and i see what it looks like to be a theme park. i take a closer look and see that he has taken me to thorpe park. i quickly looked at him with a surprised expression on my face, to which he laughed at.

we walked to the front gates together when some fans approached us and were asking for pictures. niko and i both knew that these photos were going to surface online, but at this point we had just accepted that the internet had to find out soon. niko and i walked into the park, with the fans still following us with their phones out. after a while, they finally stopped following us around the park.

the whole night niko and i were going on rides together, playing those stupid rigged carnival games together or even just walking around and hanging out with some fans for a bit - which we both surprisingly enjoyed.

niko walked up to this carnival game, he had been desperately been trying to win something all night (but he wasn't having much luck.) he kept trying multiple multiple times at this specific game, and finally he won a stupid but cute plushie.

he then handed it to me for me to keep, which i thought was quite cute. i asked niko to take a photo of me with it, which took a couple times since he kept purposely messing up or even flipping the camera to himself and putting his middle finger up to it.

but after a while, he finally took a decent picture which i later uploaded to my instagram account.


we spend a little bit longer at the theme park, but we noticed it was getting pretty late

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we spend a little bit longer at the theme park, but we noticed it was getting pretty late. niko and i both agreed that it was time to go home. on the way home niko and i were screaming songs in the car, and just talking about stupid shit. it was an hour drive from thorpe park to my house, it's safe to say we lost both of our voices by the time we got back to my place.

he walked me back up to my apartment and kissed me goodbye. i watched him walk down the hallway, making sure that he wasn't going to be making loud noises this late at night. i waved goodbye to him before he disappeared around a corner.

i laid down on my couch, putting the plushie that niko had won me right next to me. i scrolled on my phone for a while when i went on twitter and saw the trending hashtag #nikoandnai

i clicked on it and saw everybody tweeting that we spent valentine's day together, and i saw the fan photos come up on my timeline. i went upstairs and had my shower and got into my pajamas and did my nightly routine. i flopped onto my bed and scrolled through tiktok for a while until i turned on netflix.


i put my phone down and fell asleep watching big mouth on netflix

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i put my phone down and fell asleep watching big mouth on netflix.

[thankyou all so much for 2k reads, and im sorry that i haven't updated this story in a while <33]

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