chapter 8

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i wake up pretty early in the morning, but i stay in my room and just relax on my phone. my mind keeps going back to last night, i can't believe i told him everything. i cant believe he likes me back.

since i was planning on doing nothing today, i decided to paint my nails. what else was i meant to do? i was halfway through my second hand when my phone starting buzzing. it was niko.. again? it seems like i am living in his mind rent free. "oh for fucks sake" i whisper to myself. i put down the nail polish, trying my absolute best to not get my phone messy.

niko: what's up?!
nailea: not much, just in the middle of doing my nails
niko: oh, sorry. i was just calling to ask if you wanted to come over today? if you want you can come for lunch, we are filming a video for aj's channel where kenny and aj are attempt to cook. i totally understand if you don't want to come, foods gonna be really shitty.
nailea: you know what, ill come over. it should be a good laugh
niko: sounds good. see you soon!

i get to the house and sharky opens the door. "i feel like im going to be seeing you a lot more often now" sharky says with a smile. i look at sharky with an angry face, "you told niko about what i said to you, huh?" his face drops. "shit, did he tell you?" sharky starts to grin. i pushed sharky playfully "asshole" sharky and i walk to the kitchen where the rest of the boys are.

i see chunkz and niko sitting down at the table while aj and kenny are attempting to turn on the stove. they have lived in this house for months and don't know how to work basic equipment? of course they don't.

"look who it is" says chunkz. niko looks at you and his eyes lighten up. "now listen nai, if you're going to be staying here keep it down in the bedroom ok?" aj jokes, did he really just say that on camera? he better cut that out of the youtube video. i roll my eyes at him and sit down at the table where the camera is now placed.

"lunch is served!" kenny says, as he places food down on all of our plates. the food looked terrible, and it smelt vile - i was actually questioning what would happen if i did eat the food, i'd probably end up in a hospital.

kenny goes to give chunkz his food but 'accidentally' drops it all over the ground. "bro are you serious right now" chunkz murmurs while looking kenny dead in the eye. everybody else is finding it absolutely hilarious, except for chunkz of course. i hand my food over to the poor guy, "you can have my plate, i'm not touching it" aj looks at me and acts offended. "are you seriously violating the food right now nailea?" he says.

chunkz takes my plate and gives the food a try. he bit into the half cooked meal food immediately spat it back out. "nah fam, that's food poisoning on a plate" he says while standing up to go and get water.

aj bites into a piece of nikos food since he hadn't tried it yet. straight away, he spits it out. "oh my days that is horrible" aj was convinced that niko did something to his own food, but in reality aj and kenny are just shit cooks.

the video was done, and it was honestly one of the funniest videos i think i have ever filmed for somebody else's channel. after all the cleaning up was done, we were all just hanging about in the living room - aj was still arguing with niko about the food.

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