chapter 3

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i walked outside and saw niko standing there on his phone. he turned around and smiled "you ready?" he said. i smiled back at him and i nodded my head.

i got in his car and he started driving.


while i was driving i came to the realisation that i might like nailea. i just love everything about her and sometimes i even find myself thinking about her and smiling. i wonder if she likes me back?

we both got out of the car and walked into the pizza shop. we were both laughing and making jokes like we always do. we were standing there for a while, but i honestly didn't mind because i was with her. our pizzas were finally ready and we walked out of the pizza place.

i help her open the car door since she is carrying the pizzas. the whole car ride back to the house was just us singing kanye west and talking about stupid shit that happens in the beta house.

i drive back to the beta house and almost run into the garbage cans outside while trying to find the remote to open the gate. "your such a shit driver" she laughs, "shut up you schmuck" i say while smirking.


i step out of the car and grab the pizzas and walk inside. "ello lovebirds" chunkz says. aj and darkest look at each other than to us, and giggle.

hours passed and it was time for me to go home, darkest was staying the night at the beta house. i got my bag and said bye to everybody, except for sharky since he fell asleep at 10:30pm on the couch.

i got in my car and drove home. the whole drive home i couldn't stop thinking about niko - i also couldn't stop thinking about how i washed my hair this morning and now it's all dirty again because of that stupid idiot kenny.

i opened my door and flopped on the lounge, i was exhausted. i went upstairs and washed my hair for the 2nd time today. i put on some cute shorts with a cute shirt to wear to bed.


i brush my teeth, do my skincare, brush my hair and get into bed

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i brush my teeth, do my skincare, brush my hair and get into bed. i get another message on my phone, it's from niko.
Hey, thanks again for that today.
Just messaging to make sure you
got home safe. xx

heyyyy! yup im home now. i had heaps of fun
hanging out today! should do it again sometime xx

100%! Talk soon.

i put down my phone and turn on grown ups 2 on my tv and watch that until i slowly fall asleep.

[ sorry that this chapter was short, i wanted to get something out for you guys! and thank you so much for 50 reads! ]

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