chapter 2

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i am standing outside waiting for somebody to open the door, but nobody was coming.

i stand there on my phone scrolling through instagram when i notice the door opening. it was chunkz. "nai my g! come in"

i walk inside and see everybody sitting down. i say hi to everybody, i then look at niko and notice that he hasnt stopped staring at me since ive walked in. aj notices and says "niko you good man?" niko plays it off and pretends like he doesn't know what aj is talking about. i am glad to see somebody else noticed.

we all go outside and start filming a video for nikos channel. its a wheel spin video. the people who are playing are:

johnny carey
darkest man

it's now my turn, and so far chunkz has had to jump in the pool, darkest has has to eat a ghost pepper and kenny has had to be shot by a paintball gun. i step up to the wheel and look at all the options. i am not looking forward to this. i spin the wheel and everybody is gathered around and waiting for it to stop.

'Drink a smoothie that the other players create for you'

everybody cheers and sprints to the kitchen. knowing these boys, i was doomed to be sick.


i ran to the kitchen, thinking about what to give her. i didn't want her to be super sick, but a challenge is a challenge.

me and all the boys decide to give her 2 ghost peppers, sharky ran up to his room and got a whole packet of sour sweets, he then poured about 10 of them in the smoothie. darkest grabbed a bottle of mustard and put it into the smoothie. i blended it and johnny put extra chili flakes inside of it.

"that is outrageous" chunkz say while smelling it. kenny picked it up to smell it and his eyes started watering, "nah man shes going to be sick" kenny says with his hand over his mouth.


the boys walked over with my smoothie, it was a weird reddish/orange colour. they were all laughing and sharky handed me my drink "good luck, your gonna need it" he giggles. i smelt it and already felt like throwing up.

i take a swig of the smoothie and everybody is waiting for my reaction.

my eyes started to water. all the boys found it hilarious, they could smell it from a few feet back. i kept my hand over my mouth, worried i was going to throw up. "is there chili in this?!" i yelled. i kept my hand over my mouth, darkest and chunkz were trying to make me laugh by making those dumb sounds they do.

the cameraman george went to hand me some milk, but then dropped it on the ground on 'accident'. george and i had been friends for years now, this was just the type of relationship we had. "you asshole" i say while laughing.

i was trying to play it cool, but man it was difficult. i eventually was given milk, but it didn't even work that well. i just had to fight it off for the rest of the video.

the video eventually ended, but i came out of the whole thing ok. i had to drink a gross smoothie, I got to shoot aj with a paintball gun but kenny did have to crack an egg on my head.

it was now 8:00pm. johnny had left but i was still at the house with darkest and the rest of the beta squad..

we all then decided that none of us were bothered to cook, so we should just order pizza. sharky rang up the pizza place, turns out they don't do deliveries on mondays. niko said that he would go and pick them up.

he was about to leave but he opened the door and then called my name. i walked to the front door to see what he wanted. "do you want to come with me?" he asked. it may sound corny but i think my heart skipped a beat - he wanted me to come?

"sure! let me get my shoes" i smiled. he nodded and said that he would be waiting for me outside.

i went to grab my shoes and kenny noticed i was going with him. "ooooooo, you going with your boyfriend are you?" kenny said while laughing and nudging me on the shoulder.

"we're just friends kenny, shush" i laughed. "whatever you say nai" he giggled and walked away. as i was headed to the front door i heard kenny say to sharky "there is 100% something going on between those two" i paused and i was going to turn around and say something , but decided i shouldn't do anything.

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