chapter 9

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it was 9pm and i was still at the beta house. we were all sat in the movie room watching netflix. we were all eating snacks, laughing, making fun of each other and just having a good time. one by one, the boys were going to bed. the last people up were chunkz, niko and me.


i was trying to signal to chunkz that i wanted some alone time with nailea. after trying to get his attention for the past 10 minutes he finally saw me. "alright! im tired, im gonna go to bed. have a good night you two!" chunkz smiled at us.

nailea and i were talking for about 20 minutes, when we decided we wanted to do something. "we should play pool!" nai suggests. i laugh at her and say "nobody beats me in pool, im literally undefeated" she stands up and says, "challenge accepted" i stare at her. i didn't think she was being serious, "come on niko!" she says.

we start the game, shes solids and im stripes. she makes her first hit and she gets 3 solids into the holes. "no way, that was such a fluke" it's about 10 minutes later, she won the game. she keeps laughing and making fun of me - "poor attempt from you to be fair, mr undefeated" she giggles. i walk over to her and pick her up over my shoulders. i open up the back door and hang her over the pool.

"i swear to god, if you drop me in this pool we're over" she says. "over? i didn't know we were dating" i laugh. "you know what i meant, idiot. stop being a sore loser and put me down" she says.


niko goes to drop me in the pool, but i pull him in with me. the both of us come up from the water laughing. i notice niko goes under the water - what the hell is he doing? he swims underneath me and stands up, so i was sitting on his shoulders.

niko goes to fall backwards so we both fall into the water together. we were in the pool for a while until we decide to get out since the water was freezing. "niko you idiot, i don't have a change of clothes!" i say. "you can just change into some of mine, no problem" he says.

we sneak upstairs so we don't wake anybody in the house up, it's pretty late at night now. niko shows me to his room. he closes the door and says that i can pick out some clothes from his closet. i was looking through his clothes, but he's like 6'4. how is anything meant to fit me in here?

i chose to wear one of his jumpers and a pair of his track suit pants. i got changed and walked out, you saw niko looking for stuff to watch on netflix. he saw me and smiled "that looks really cute on you" he said. he went to go and get changed and i put a movie on i think he would like.

i laid down in his bed, it was pretty comfortable. he hops into bed and he puts the blankets over me. we both watched some movies, throughout the movies niko and i are talking and laughing about memories from the skit videos we used to do together when a few years back. little did we know things would end up like this. we decided to go to sleep. he turned the lights off and we both fell asleep.

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