chapter 5

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niko and the rest of the beta squad invited me and my friends to a rooftop party in london. ive never been to a rooftop party before, but i have seen them on pinterest and they look pretty fun.

i invited chrystal and amy to come join me at the party. chrystal and i met at amys house to get ready. amy lived almost next door to where the party was being held, so i will probably just crash there tonight since i am going to be drinking.


my makeup was done and i was wearing my nicest perfume

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my makeup was done and i was wearing my nicest perfume. amy let you borrow one of her heels and we were ready to leave.

i walked up to where the party was and i saw the table. i saw a lot of familiar faces here. all of the beta squad, all of the sidemen, calfreezy, aneson gib and yung filly.

i say hello to everybody, and i already see kenny hitting on chrystal. i sit right next to niko. i look around and saw jj and yung filly staring at niko and i. jj pointed at me and niko and mouthed the word "dating?" i grinned and looked away from him.

it was 12:00 and we were are all drinking and having a good time. calfreezy had been staring at niko and i all night - he also had a lot to drink and said to niko and i "so, when are you two gonna smash? its very obvious you two like each other " the whole table went quiet. you looked around and saw chunkz and aj trying not to laugh. niko and i glanced at each other, both of you not saying anything. i took a sip of my drink to avoid awkwardness. "well im going to get more drinks, kenny you coming with me?" niko asked. kenny got up and walked to the bar with niko.

the night continued and it seems like people have started to leave. being around niko has turned awkward all of a sudden. i got up and went to the bathroom to give my makeup a bit of a touch up. that moment between niko and i just kept on replaying in my head.

amy and chrystal said they were going to leave and they asked me if was ready to leave. "im going to stay a bit longer, i need to chat with niko" i said. the girls understood and went back to amys apartment. "good luck girl" amy whispered. i was starting to get really nervous. everybody started packing up the table and paying for the dinner and drinks.

i notice niko chatting with aj around a corner, it looked liked they were whispering. sharky walked up behind me and asked if i was ok since i looked 'nervous' about something. i turned around and blurted out everything.

"nai, you should just go for it. besides, he talks about you all the time anyway. cal wasn't wrong really.. it's kind of obvious that you guys like each other" sharky said. "i think im just going to tell him later, when he's not drunk.. cya sharks, thank you." i sighed. sharky gave me a hug and went to go and help clean up the table.

i ended up leaving without saying anything to niko, i didn't even say goodbye.

i walked down to amys apartment and chrystal was asleep on the floor, she had a pillow and a blanket on her. i take my heels off and stumble over to the couch. amy walks out from the bathroom and sees me sitting on the couch.

"nailea! thought i heard you come in. i will go get you a pillow and some blankets, chrystal insisted that you had the couch" amy goes into her bedroom and gets me all i need for the night.

2 minutes had passed and she walked out with my blankets and a pillow. "there you go, im sure you will fall asleep pretty quickly, good night"

in just a few seconds, i had fallen asleep.

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