chapter 14

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it's now saturday, february 2nd 2019.

i wake up early, knowing that niko had something planned for today. i didn't want him to show up at my apartment if i looked like a mess so i have a shower and put on some makeup.

i decided to wait and see what niko and i were doing today before i chose an outfit to wear, in the meantime - i was still wearing my pajamas.
i am downstairs in my office, responding to emails about some sponsorships for my instagram. as im doing this, i hear a knock on my door. i spring out of my chair and answer it.

niko was standing there with a smile on his face. he pulls me in for a hug. "i knew you had something planned" i say with a grin. "don't you have to film for beta squad today?" i asked. "i got the day off from filming today" niko smiled.

niko had decided to spend his day off with me?
that's actually quite sweet. i use to see niko as your typical youtube joker, but i feel like he's letting me see a side of him not many people get to see.

i keep asking niko for clues about what he has planned for me today, but he wasn't telling me anything. i thought it would be best to ask niko what i should wear, i didn't want to be too overdressed. "well, what would you wear to a dinner?" i stared at niko. "so you're taking me to dinner?" i ask. niko starts to grin. "i never said that"


an hour passed and niko says it's finally time to head out

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an hour passed and niko says it's finally time to head out. "oh come on niko, i hate surprises" i whine. "it's a good surprise, don't worry about it" niko laughs. he takes me downstairs to the apartment garage and i get in his car.

he has been driving for a while now and still hasn't told me anything. "NIKOLAS OMILANA" i say loudly. he starts to laugh. "we are almost there! don't worry you're going to like it" niko says.

niko stops his car and gets out. i look around and notice that we are parked near this beautiful building. he walks into this building with me, his arm around my shoulder. i am still very confused about where we are and what we are doing here. he guides me up some stairs and i see the surprise.

niko has taken me to a rooftop restaurant. last time i was at a rooftop was when everything went awkward between me and niko. we have sat down at a table, i am so shocked that niko has taken me somewhere like this. "what's all this about" i laugh. "just felt like doing something nice" niko smiled.

we both ordered some food and had some drinks. we are both having heaps of fun and just enjoying each other's company. i notice niko is staring at me and smiling. "what are you looking at?" i ask.

"ive been wanting to ask you something for a while now nai, but i didn't know when the time was right" niko says. i still didn't know what he was talking about and i look at him, tilting my head.

"nailea, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

my jaw drops, after all the years of having a crush on this guy and he finally asked me? "niko.. of course!"
it feels as though i was waiting for this moment to happen forever..

"let's go, yeah?" niko says. he grabs my hand and pays for the dinner. we are both holding hands walking down the streets of london at midnight, i seriously can't remember the last time i had felt like this, it still doesn't feel real.

niko is still holding my hand and takes me back to his car. we are both sitting in the car, the both of us haven't stopped talking and laughing the whole entire night. he drives me back to my place and walks me up to my apartment.

as we are saying our goodbyes, niko pulls me in for a kiss. one thing led to another and it turned into making out with one another. i stop and say "when are you free next?" niko looks at me "you free valentine's day?" niko grinned. i giggle, now that niko and i were dating, it means i have a date for Valentine's Day - which was only 12 days away. "of course i am" i smile.

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