chapter 10

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i woke up in nikos arms. he was still asleep. i tried to move to find my phone, but when i moved he held onto me tighter. "why are you getting up" he mumbled, i think he was still half asleep. "im just getting my phone, calm down" niko opened his eyes slowly, he still wouldn't let me up. "niko, my phone is literally on the night stand" he closed his eyes and pulled me in tighter. he had his arm wrapped around my waist so i couldn't move.

some time passes and he finally let me move, i grabbed my phone and scrolled through youtube. i noticed that niko uploaded that spin wheel video that were working on a while ago. i looked through the comments to see what everybody thought about the video.


Guys look, 8:18 Niko has his arm around Nailea

Anybody else think that Niko and Nai are secretly dating??

I want somebody to look at me the way Niko looks at Nailea

as i was scrolling through the comments i couldn't stop smiling. they think that we are cute together!

i try to get up but niko is holding onto me tightly again. "niko are you kidding me?" he smiled and opened his eyes. i really wanted to kiss him, but i wanted him to make the move.


as i was slowly waking up, i just had the sudden urge to kiss nailea. 'i should just go for it' i think to myself. 'but what if she swerves me?' i wonder. "what are you thinking about" she asked. she was about to get out of bed, i needed to do it now.

i put my hand behind her neck and pulled her in.

we kissed.

we both pulled away. i stand up from off the bed and pull her up. "you're a pretty decent kisser, i'll give you that" she stares at me "what?" i ask. "decent?! is that it?" she says. she wasn't a decent kisser, she was an amazing kisser - i don't want to fuel her ego, she already beat me in pool last night. i put my arm around her and we walk downstairs.


chunkz and sharky were the only ones awake. chunkz looks me up and down, "nice clothes" chunkz snickers. i look down and realise that i am wearing nikos clothes. i look back up at chunkz and i see that he is giggling, did his mind really have to go there?

niko gets us both some cereal and we sit down at the breakfast bar. "did you guys go in the pool last night? i could hear splashing from my room" sharky says. niko looks at me "nah, we didn't" he smiles. i grin back at him.

we got all my stuff together and got ready to leave, i said bye to sharky and chunkz - everybody else was still asleep. niko walked me outside to my car, "still cant believe you beat me in pool though" niko says, i laugh, "call me when you get home, yeah?" niko says. you get in your car and drive back to your house.

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