chapter 13

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i wake up late, looks like ive slept through my alarm. i am meant to be meeting niko at 11:00am and it's currently 10:21am. i jump out of bed, almost tripping over on the bed sheets and i rushed to go get dressed.

once i got my outfit on, i ran downstairs and slipped on some shoes. i grabbed my car keys and went out the door. i took the elevator down to the car park, it took a while since i live so high up in the apartment.

as i'm driving, i check the time and it says 10:55. i drive as fast as I possibly can, why did i have to wake up so late today?

i ended up getting to the cafe 10 minutes late. i stepped inside and saw niko sitting at a table scrolling on his phone - he's probably wondering where i am. i try my best to quietly sneak up on him and 'attempt' to scare him. spoiler alert - it didn't work cause he saw me on the reflection of his phone screen.

we sat down and talked for a while, about the whole photo situation. niko still doesn't sound sure about whether he wants us to be in a relationship or not, which is annoying the absolute hell out of me. i don't know if he ever will tell me, and i don't want to be the one to ask him.

"do you wanna go to the arcade later, just us?" niko asks. great, he wants to go to another place where people will see us together? but going to the arcade with niko omilana does sound quite fun. fuck it.

"yeah sure, we can go" i say with a smile. the both of us finish up our food and make our way to the arcade. it wasn't to far away from the cafe, so the both of us just decided to walk there. i think the both of us were expecting for more photos of us to come out, but we didn't care this time.

we are at the arcade, playing games and just enjoying each other's company. a few minutes back niko literally broke on the of the machines because he threw something too hard at it. after that mess, niko suggests that we take a photo in the photo booth. we both squeeze inside and sit in photo booth and put in some coins. niko and i took 2 photos and we had 1 more photo to take. i saw the countdown on the screen and i couldn't figure out what to do. i feel niko grab my face and pull me in for a kiss. i could hear that the photo was taken, but neither of us pulled away.

we continued to play games for the rest of the night, also flirting a little. we are both walking back to our cars when niko says "are you free on saturday?" sounds like he wanted to hang out with me again. "yeah im pretty sure, why's that?" i ask. niko smirks "no reason.. just make sure that you are awake by 12" i thought this was odd, he was definitely planning something.


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