chapter 7

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i heard a knock at the door and get up to let him in. neither of us said anything and stood their awkwardly for a few seconds, he leans down and gives me a hug. this was the first time that him and i have ever hugged, and i liked it. "we should go to the park" he says, while smiling at me. it was pretty late at night, but i was down.

we walked to the park together, things were feeling a lot less weird now, it started to feel normal again. we both sat next to each other on the park bench.

it was quiet. very quiet.

"tell me everything." niko says. i rest my head in my hands and sigh. was i really about to tell him how i feel after all this time? i guess it's now or never.

 was i really about to tell him how i feel after all this time? i guess it's now or never

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"i will be honest, i have liked you for a while. i didn't want to tell you just in case you didn't like me back. i was going to talk to you about it last night, but you were with aj and you were probably way too drunk to have that conversation... so i told sharky everything" he doesn't say anything, and straight away i regretted saying anything. "im sorry about all of this, it was never meant to be lik-" niko cuts me off..

"no, no need to apologise nai. it's just- last night was just embarrassing. and i don't get embarrassed very easily" he said with a laugh. "since we're talking about this, i'll just be straight up and say it. i like you too." niko says looking down at his hands. i've never seen him so shy before.

neither of us say anything after that. niko starts grinning. "what are you smiling at?" i laugh. "i cant believe you like me" he grins. "let's go on a walk, yeah?" he says. niko puts his hand out. i stare at him, confused "well are you going to hold my hand?" niko asks, i grab his hand and he pulls me up - since when was he like this? i was surprised he didn't move his hand away and call me a schmuck.

we go for a walk, talking about stupid little things and about how much we both hate calfreezy (as a joke, obviously) it's crazy to think how quick things have changed for us, but i'm not mad about it, and i don't think niko is either. it was getting late, and we both mutually decided it was time we both headed back home.

he walks me back to my apartment, and just before i was about to close the door i hear him say. "by the way, sharky told me everything." i quickly open the door and see him already running down the hall. did sharky really tell him everything i said last night? i only remember like 5% of the things i said.. fantastic.


i drove back to my house and walked inside, i cant stop thinking about nai, i had no idea she liked me back. the boys are still awake - chunkz and aj are playing pool, sharky is watching football videos on the tv and kenny is playing fortnite in his room. i step inside of the lounge room and chunkz and aj are smiling at me. "soo.... did you smash?" aj jokes. chunkz laughs, "shush you rat, how did it actually go?" sharky comes out of the movie room and listens as well.

"it was really fun, turns out we both like each other. we walked around for a while and just talked. about random shit. it was good." they couldn't wipe the smiles of their faces, and i definitely couldn't either.

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