Kairi remembers Sora and Hikari/Sora and Hikari awakens

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Somewhere at the Destiny Islands, Kairi, who had finished school, was walking towards the beach. Her friend, Selphie, caught up to her.

"Kairi! Wait up!" Selphie shouted. "Hey, do you feel like going out to the island? Tidus and Wakka are all wrapped up in their ballgame and they won't go with me."

Kairi shook her head. "Not today, sorry."

"Aw, why not?" Selphie frowned.

"Do you remember those boys and a girl who used to hang out with us?" Kairi asked.

"Riku?" Selphie guessed.

"Yeah," Kairi nodded.

"I wonder whatever happened to him," Selphie looked down in thought. "I sure miss him."

"He's far away," Kairi replied. "But I know we'll see him again."

"Sure," Selphie smiled. "Of course we will."

"And the other boy with his adoptive sister?" Kairi asked.

"What adoptive sister and other boy?" Selphie said, looking confused.

"The ones who were with Riku and me all the time—we played together on that island," Kairi explained, talking about Sora and Hikari. "Their voices always used to be there...but now it's gone. I can't think of their faces, or their names. I feel awful about it. So I told myself—I'm not going to the island until I remember everything about them. And also I forgot to mention that one of them is my boyfriend... the love of my life."

"Awwww, that's sweet," Seplie smiled at Kairi. "But... Are you sure you didn't make them up?"

Kairi nodded but she heard Roxas and Kirihax's voices and felt a headache. "Naminé?" they said.

"Naminé...? What's happening to us?" Roxas said.

"Who are you?" Kairi said to Roxas and Kirihax. "And that's not my name. I'm Kairi."

"Kairi... we know you," Kirihax gasped. "You're that girl he is in love with and a sister figure to the princess of Kingdom Hearts."

"Sister figure?" Kairi was confused. "Please, names!"

"I'm Roxas," Roxas introduced. "And this is Kirihax."

"Okay, Roxas, Kirihax, but can you tell me THEIR names?" Kairi asked.

Sora and Hikari's voices were heard. "You don't remember our names?" Sora said, looking offended.

"Thanks a lot, Kairi!" Hikari said, looking annoyed. "O-kay, I guess we can give you two hints. Starts with an "S" and an "H!""

Soon... Kairi woke up on the ground as Selphie helped her up. "Are you okay?" Selphie asked.

Kairi stands up and stares at a small island. Then... she started to smile and ran towards the beach.

Selphie catches up to her. "Kairi...?" She saw that Kairi placing a bottle, that has a letter inside, onto the water. "What's that?"

"A letter..." Kairi explained. "I wrote it yesterday, to a boyfriend, whose name I can't remember, that I loved. I said that no matter where he is with his adoptive sister... I'll find him. One day. And when I stopped writing, I remembered we made a promise, something important. This letter is where it starts. I know it."

Selphie was amazed. "Wow... I hope he gets it. And I also hope his adoptive sister takes great care of him."

"He will. Starts with an "S" and an "H,"" Kairi smiled. "Right, Sora, Hikari?"

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