Sora, Hikari and Riku VS Xemnas/Roxas, Kirihax and Naminé's talk

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As Sora, Riku, Kairi, King Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Hikari and Haya arrived at the Altar of Naught, Xemnas raised his hands up to the damaged Kingdom Hearts.

	As Sora, Riku, Kairi, King Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Hikari and Haya arrived at the Altar of Naught, Xemnas raised his hands up to the damaged Kingdom Hearts

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" Kingdom Hearts...ruined," Xemas frowned. "Now I'll have to start all over again. Warriors of the Keyblade and the Princess of Kingdom Hearts!" He turned to Sora, Riku, King Mickey, Hikari and Haya. "Go forth, and bring me more hearts!"

"No!" They all shouted as they pointed their Keyblades at Xemnas.

"Denizens of light, answer this: Why do you hate the darkness?" Xemnas asked.

King Mickey shook his head. "Aw, we don't hate it. It's just kinda..."

"Scary," Haya frowned. "But mom and dad once told me and Hikari this... the world's made of light AND darkness. You can't have one without the other, 'cause darkness is half of everything. Sorta makes you wonder why we are scared of the dark."

Hikari agreed with Haya. "It's because of who's lurking inside it. Monster or no monster."

Xemnas nodded. "Then allow me another question. You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark—never given a choice?"

Riku glared at Xemnas. "That's simple. It's because you mess up our worlds."

"That may be... However, what other choice might we have had?" Xemnas replied.

Sora rolled his eyes. "Just give it a rest! You're Nobodies!"

"He's right, Xemnas," Hikari agreed. "You don't even exist! You're not sad about anything!"

Xemnas laughed. "Very good, princess. You don't miss a thing. I can not feel—sorrow... No matter what misery befalls the worlds. No matter what you think, what you feel, or how you exist." He teleports himself and Hikari to the Memory's Skyscraper.

Hikari noticed that her friends and Haya are not there. "Guys! Haya!"

Xemnas holds up the crystal that Hikari's been hiding. "Looking for this?"

Hikari gasped when she noticed that the crystal which was from Seifer's trophy was in Xemnas's hands. "How did you find that?"

Xemnas smirked. "While I took you here, I managed to grab it behind your back. This must be the last piece of the crystal. With it, that special crystal will be recompleted once again. So if you want it, you'll have to fight me for it."

Hikari growled as she summoned her Counterpoint Keyblade and fights Xemnas. After the battle, she retrieved the crystal piece and heard voices of her sister and her friends.

"Hikari!" Sora shouted.

"Where are you?" Kairi shouted as well.

At the Altar of Naught, Sora, Kairi, Riku, King Mickey, Donald, Goofy and Haya looked around.

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