An unexpected reunion of the princess's remaining family

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Meanwhile, Leon and Cloud saw a flash of light in the distance.

	Meanwhile, Leon and Cloud saw a flash of light in the distance

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"Sora! Hikari! Donald! Goofy!" Leon cried.

"Relax. Those four aren't going down that easily," Cloud assured as he walks away. "The Keyblade's chosen one... and the princess of Kingdom Hearts... They're lucky kids."

Leon smiled as he watched the beam of light hit the sky. "See you soon."

	Meanwhile at Where Nothing Gathers

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Meanwhile at Where Nothing Gathers... Saïx arrived to speak with Xemnas. "Sora and Princess Hikari knows the truth now. The more Heartless that they defeat, the closer they are to becoming our perfect puppets. This new knowledge will make them that much harder to control."

"What does it matter, really?" Xigbar, an Organization member, scoffed. "Whatever their circumstances, Sora and Princess Hikari has never been able to help themselves from saving people from the Heartless. It's what their pure little hearts wants."

Another Organization member, Luxord, spoke as he tossed the dice in the air. "There. The dice have been cast. Things are in motion. He can't stop this."

"Nothing is set in stone," Xaldin said to Luxord. "If the dice aren't in your favor, you will share Demyx's fate."

"The fun is in not knowing, isn't it?" Luxord said. "What is the point of betting on something if you already know the outcome?"

"Are you sure that defeating them won't derail the Organization's plan?" Xigbar asked.

"If they are to die so easily, they are of no use to us," Xemnas said.

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear," Xaldin nodded. "It's not in my nature to hold back."

Meanwhile at the Gummi Ship, Sora was talking with Hikari and Donald. "I guess sometimes help comes from unexpected places."

"Sure does!" Donald nodded.

"I couldn't agree more," Hikari smiled.

Earlier at Hollow Bastion... Hikari fought off the Heartless with Sora, Donald and Goofy.

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