Trouble at Disney Castle/Maleficent's return

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While Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy are continuing on their adventures, Pete arrived to see Maleficent in Hollow Bastion. "Ya wanted to see me, Maleficent?"

 "Ya wanted to see me, Maleficent?"

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"Yes," Maleficent nodded. "And where is everyone else?"

"Beats me," Pete shrugged as he talks about Maleficent's allies. "They musta had some other matters to deal with."

""Matters"?" Maleficent was a little irritated and glared at Pete. "You mean they have more important affairs to attend to than my return?"

Pete nodded. "Well, see, there's this Organization XIII that keeps gettin' in the way—"

"Let those fools play their little game!" Maleficent said as she turned away, not caring about Organization XIII.

"But what about that annoying princess of Kingdom Hearts?" Pete said, talking about Hikari. "She's been nothing but a spoiled brat."

"Oh, has she?" Maleficent said after hearing about Hikari. She turned around to look at Pete. "Very well then. I suppose you'd best tell me what's happened during my absence."

Meanwhile at Disney Castle... Queen Minnie Mouse, King Mickey's wife, was searching through the bookshelf. "Oh...hmm. Now I wonder where that old album could be."

"Queen Minnie!" Chip the chipmunk cried.

"It's horrible!" Dale the other chipmunk cried.

Chip and Dale ran over to Queen Minnie and salutes and then jumps up and down.

"Somethin's wrong in the Hall of the Cornerstone!" Chip cried.

"There's real sharp thorns everywhere!" Dale finished.

	"There's real sharp thorns everywhere!" Dale finished

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A couple minutes later... Queen Minnie followed Chip and Dale to the Hall of the Cornerstone and saw the thorns. "Oh, King Mickey, I wish you could hear me. The castle is in danger! We've got to do something soon! Donald... Goofy... Where are you?"

Meanwhile at the Gummi Hangar... Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy got off the Gummi Ship.

"This is your castle..." Sora said to Donald and Goofy.

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