Xigbar, Luxord and Saïx's downfall/Sora and Hikari's reunion with Riku and Kairi

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Meanwhile... Hikari knocks the Heartless away and helps Sora up. Then she sees Kairi fighting off Heartless with Riku-Ansem. "Kairi's with...Ansem?"

	"What's going on!?" Sora asked

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"What's going on!?" Sora asked.

Just then... Xigbar interfered by using his Arrowguns to eliminate the Heartless. "Have you two been good kids?"

"Show yourself!" Hikari shouted as she looked around.

	"Show yourself!" Hikari shouted as she looked around

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Xigbar appeared and smirked at Hikari. "Oh, it sounds like Sora and Roxas have but you haven't. Hikari! Kirihax!"

Sora looks at Hikari. "Roxas and Kirihax? Hey, did he just call us Roxas and Kirihax?"

"I think he did," Hikari nodded.

"You two have really put Organization XIII in a pickle," Xigbar said as he looks at Sora. "I guess that must be why the Keyblade chose you. But MAN, did it pick a dud this time." Then he turned to Hikari. "And as for you, princess, you may have gotten the angry look down but you don't look like you're half the hero the others were."

Hikari was offended. "First of all, excuse you? Secondly... Are you done rambling?"

Xigbar scoffed. "Rambling? As if! All I'm trying to tell you, traitors, is that your time is up!" He then summoned his Arrowguns.

Goofy saw Xigbar jumping down. "Here he comes!"

Xigbar began fighting Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy who dodges the attacks.

Soon... Sora manages to strike Xigbar who collapsed. "Alright. Why did you call us Roxas and Kirihax?"

Xigbar smirked weakly. "Wouldn't you like to know..." He began fading away.

"Hey! Hold on!" Sora shouted as he watched Xigbar fade away.

Donald points up. "Sora! It's Kairi!"

Meanwhile... King Mickey, Haya and Ansem the Wise arrived to see Kairi and Riku-Ansem fighting off Heartless. "Uh-oh, they need our help."

Haya nodded. "I'm on it!"

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