A Pirate's Life for Sora and Hikari Part I/Barbossa's downfall

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Continuing their adventure to find Riku, King Mickey and Haya, Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy arrived at the next world... A pirate-y world called Port Royal.

"Wow!" Donald cried.

"This place is..." Sora said.

"Kinda different," Goofy said.

"More like cool," Hikari said. Then she heard some screaming sound. "Something's up!"

"Organization XIII?" Goofy asked.

"Or the Heartless!" Donald said.

"Only one way to find out," Sora said.

Meanwhile... Pete and Haya are talking to some pirates and their leader, Captain Barbossa.

"Aztec treasure, eh?" Pete said to Barbossa.

"So let me get this straight," Haya said, looking at the pirate captain. "I'm on my mission to find something with this fat cat and now you and your fellow pirates are looking for something called Aztec treasure?"

"Aye, lassie!" Barbossa nodded. "And thanks to the curse put on it, we are neither among the livin' nor the dead."

"Really?" Pete seemed surprised.

"Among the living and the dead?" Haya said. "To me, you look like ordinary pirates, captain."

"Ah, but in the moonlight..." A full moon shines down on Barbossa and his crew, revealing their skeleton forms.

"Eek!" Haya cried as she hid Pete and stares at Barbossa's skeleton form. "Y-you... got a little something on your face."

	"Whoa! Now I get what you were sayin'

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"Whoa! Now I get what you were sayin'..." Pete said, looking astonished by Barbossa's looks. "Well, if you see two doofuses, a brat holdin' a Keyblade and a princess of Kingdom Hearts, steer clear. They got a kinda magic that don't belong in this world, see? And nobody knows what it'd do to ya. 'Specially when the moon's showing whatcha really are."

Barbossa smirked as he and his crew returned to their normal selves. "A match for Barbossa, you say?"

"Hey!" Sora shouted as he, Hikari, Donald and Goofy arrived.

"So you're Barbossa," Hikari said to Barbossa.

"See them?" Haya said. "I knew it! Those are the weirdos and my big sister we were telling you about."

"Who are you calling weirdos?" Sora glared at Haya. "It's Sora, Hikari, Donald, and Goofy to you, shorty!"

"Who are you calling short, spiky?" Haya glared at Sora.

"Okay, one thing I should tell you boys," Hikari said. "My sister hates it when she's being called 'short'."

"Well... sissy, thanks for telling them off," Haya said, acting like a sassy drama queen.

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