Sora and Hikari meets the TT kids/The King's unexpected entrance

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After leaving the Old Mansion, Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy arrived at the streets of Twilight Town and into the usual spot.

"You know, I think I've been to this town," Sora said to Hikari.

"Me too," Hikari said. "Well... sorta."

"What's it called?" Donald asked.

"Well..." Hikari said, thinking. "Guess we must've imagined it."

Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy looked around as Hayner, Pence and Olette noticed them.

"What do you want!?" Hayner asked.

"Uh, nothing," Sora said.

"Just wondering what was back here," Hikari told Hayner.

"Now you know," Hayner said. "This is our spot."

"Now wait a sec," Hikari said to Hayner. "Since you said this is your spot, you don't really own this town, do you?"

"Well..." Hayner said. "Not exactly."

"Well, that makes sense," Hikari said as she turned to look at Pence who walked up to her with Olette. "And what are you looking at?"

"You' around here, right?" Pence said to Hikari and Sora. "I'm Pence."

"Hayner. Nice to meet you, but we got stuff to do, so catch ya later," Hayner said as he leaves.

"My name's Olette," Olette introduced. "Hey, did you finish up the summer homework, yet? Independent studies are the worst, huh?"

"Homework!?" Sora and Hikari said as they exchange looks with Donald and Goofy.

"Hey, what're your names?" Pence asked.

"Oh, sorry," Goofy said. "We're Sora, Hikari, Donald, and Goofy."

"Hey there," Sora said. He turns to Hikari who's staring into space. "Hikari!"

Hikari looks at Sora. "What?" Then she turns back to Pence and Olette. "Oh, sorry. Nice to meet you."

"Sora, Hikari, Donald, Goofy, we just met someone who was looking for you," Olette said.

"He sure seemed in a hurry," Pence said. "He had a black coat on so I couldn't see his face, but he had these big round ears."

Donald thinks about it with Sora, Hikari and Goofy and knew that Pence had just described King Mickey. "The King!"

"The King? You mean Mickey?" Hikari said to Donald. Then she turned to Pence and Olette. "Where'd you see him?"

"At the station," Pence answered.

"The station! Thanks!" Sora said.

"Well, we'd better get back to that assignment," Olette said as she leaves.

"Later," Pence said as he follows Olette.

"Oh boy!" Donald cried. "The King's trying to find us!"

"Yeah, let's get to the station!" Hikari nodded.

Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy heads to the train station to find King Mickey, but they are surrounded by a group of Nobodies called Dusks that appeared. Sora and Hikari summoned their Keyblades while Donald and Goofy summoned their weapons and then the four attacked all the Nobodies but they got to exhausted. As the Nobodies tried to attack them, King Mickey, who summoned his Kingdom Key D Keyblade, jumped down and defeats all the Nobodies.

"Mickey..." Hikari gasped as she and Sora looked at the king.

Donald and Goofy, who pushed Sora and Hikari down, was surprised to see their king. "Your Majesty?" Donald quacked.

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