Sora and Hikari VS Roxas and Kirihax/Kairi's first Keyblade

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    Meanwhile after Axel's sacrifice, Sora, Hikari, Donald, Goofy and King Mickey arrived at Organization XIII's homeworld... The World that Never Was.

    Hikari looked at the Organization's castle

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    Hikari looked at the Organization's castle. "Axel said Kairi and Haya are in the dungeon."

    "Then we better find a way to get to that castle!" King Mickey nodded as he ran ahead.

    Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy followed the King but they stopped to look at the castle. As Sora and Hikari keeps going, they heard Donald shouting. "Sora! Hikari!" Donald and Goofy were blocked by Nobodies.

    "Donald! Goofy!" Sora cried as he and Hikari rushed over to them but they saw Roxas and Kirihax appearing, wielding Keyblades

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    "Donald! Goofy!" Sora cried as he and Hikari rushed over to them but they saw Roxas and Kirihax appearing, wielding Keyblades.

    "Keyblades?!" Hikari gasped as she and Sora fights Roxas and Kirihax in the Station of Awakening. "Wh-who are you two?"

    "People from the dark," Kirihax replied.

    Sora knocked Roxas back. "You can't be Riku?"

    Roxas scoffed. "Riku?"

    Kirihax looked at Sora and Roxas and turns to Hikari. "...We defeated a Riku once."

    "You what!?" Hikari gasped as she and Sora continued fighting Kirihax and Roxas..

    "Tell me... Tell me why he picked both of you!" Roxas shouted as he and Kirihax continues fighting Sora and Hikari.

    Kirihax looked at the portraits of Hikari's three missing friends and King Mickey and then turned to the other portraits of Sora's friends, Riku, Kairi, Donald and Goofy. "I see. That's why."

    Kirihax pinned Hikari's Keyblade down with her own Keyblade after knocking it away but she was shocked to see... "What!?" Hikari manages to make her Counterpoint Keyblade come back into her hand and slashes Kirihax while Sora slashes Roxas, due to being distracted.

    There was a flashback to when Xemnas first met Roxas and Kirihax at Twilight Town.

    "You two seek answers," Xemnas spoke to them. "You two feel nothing. Nothing is real. I can give you two purpose." He makes the words SORA and HIKARI circle around Roxas and Kirihax and placed Xs on them.

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