Xemnas's downfall/Sora and Kairi's first kiss

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Sooner or later... Sora, Hikari and Riku found themselves in a grey area where they saw Xemnas in a black and white coat.

 Sora, Hikari and Riku found themselves in a grey area where they saw Xemnas in a black and white coat

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"Heroes from the realm of light... Princess of Kingdom Hearts..." Xemnas spoke to them. "I will not allow it to end this way—not yet. If light and darkness are eternal, then surely we nothings must be the same... Eternal!"

Riku nodded. "You're right, light and darkness are eternal. Nothing probably goes on forever, too."

"I agree," Hikari agreed. "But guess what, Xemnas?"

"That doesn't mean YOU'RE eternal!" Sora said.

Xemnas laughed. "No more eternal than that radiance of yours..."

The three fought the Organization XIII leader. Soon... Xemnas began to summon lasers that he sent towards Sora, Hikari and Riku who deflected them with their Keyblades. Then he knocked Riku away.

"Riku!" Sora and Hikari cried as Xemnas points his laser at Hikari's head.

Riku managed to get back up and blocked Xemnas's attack and knocked Hikari away before he gets knocked out.

"Riku!" Sora cried.

Hikari grabs Riku's Way to the Dawn Keyblade while using her own and attacks Xemnas with Sora.

Sora hands his Kingdom Key Keyblade to Riku. "Now, Riku!"

Riku touches Sora's Keyblade and a beam of light hits Xemnas in the chest, allowing Hikari to give him the final blow.

	Riku touches Sora's Keyblade and a beam of light hits Xemnas in the chest, allowing Hikari to give him the final blow

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When the battle was over, Xemnas faded away for good.

"Yes!" Hikari cheered as she looks at Sora and Riku. "We won, guys!"

Riku sees Nobodies appearing. "I wouldn't be too sure of that."

Sora gets into battle stance and looks at Hikari. "Ummm... do you think you can use your powers one last time?"

"Oh, you mean this?" Hikari smirked as she used her bright light to destroy all Nobodies. "There we go!" She noticed that Riku fell to his knees. "Riku?"

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