An unexpected encounter with Pete/Hikari's reunion with Master Yen Sid

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Soon... the train had brought Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy to a mysterious tower. Hikari, who got off the train with Sora, Donald and Goofy, began to recognized the tower. It was Master Yen Sid's Tower. The same tower that she and Aqua visited for over 10 years ago. "That tower... This is where I visited with one of my missing friends," she said.

Sora saw the train vanish. "There goes our ride." He looked at Hikari. "Hey... you know this place?"

"Yeah," Hikari said. "I came here with one of my old friends a long time ago."

"That's great but..." Sora sees Pete up ahead. "There's a fat intruder blocking the way."

"Oh, I see," Hikari said as she, Sora, Donald and Goofy walked up to Pete. "Whoever this creep is going to get a taste of my Keyblade."

"What's goin' on?" Donald asked.

Pete laughed as he starts explaining about Master Yen Sid. "I sent some of my lackeys inside to see if the master of this here tower's as big and tough as they say. Word is, he's a real powerful sorcerer. Which would make him the perfect bodyguard for me. See, it don't matter how tough he is—once he's a Heartless, he'll do as I say!"

Donald was shocked. "A Heartless?"

"That's right," Pete nodded as he remembered the mission that Maleficent had given him. "They're those things that come outta the darkness in folks' hearts. Why, with all those Heartless at her side, my dear friend Maleficent is gonna conquer everything! And since I got me a debt to pay, I'm goin' 'round to a bunch of different worlds and buildin' an army of Heartless, special for her. Why am I talkin' to you pipsqueaks anyway? Go on, scram! I'm behind schedule as it is."

Goofy looked closely at Pete and turns to Hikari, whispering. "Ya know, there's somethin' familiar about him but he oughta find somethin' nicer to do."

Hikari nodded. "Yeah, like he should lose weight. He is pretty chubby."

	"Hey! Who's callin' me chubby?" Pete turned around and saw Donald and Goofy

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"Hey! Who's callin' me chubby?" Pete turned around and saw Donald and Goofy. "Wha...AAAH! It's you!"

"Pete!?" Donald and Goofy cried.

"What are you two numbskulls doin' here!?" Pete glared at Donald and Goofy.

"What are YOU doing here?" Donald glared back at Pete.

Sora looked at Pete. "Oh, so that's..."

"Yes... Pete..." Hikari nodded. "That creep from Disney Town." She turned to Donald and Goofy. "Wait. Donald, Goofy, you two know Pete?"

"We sure do!" Goofy nodded. "Pete's been causin' trouble for ages! His Majesty banished him to another dimension a long time ago. I wonder how he escaped."

Pete laughed. "You wanna know how, eh? Well, Maleficent busted me out, that's how! And now your world—no, no, no, all the worlds—are gonna belong to yours truly. Cause Maleficent's gonna help me conquer 'em!"

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