A reunion with Belle/Beast's anger

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Sora, Hikari, Donald and Gofy reunited with Leon and the gang, Merlin and others in Hollow Bastion, and they also confront the evil Organization XIII as well. Soon... the four travelled world to world, beating Heartless and Nobodies and finding Haya and then arrived at a new world that has a castle.

Hikari walked up to Sora, Donald and Goofy. "Hey, what is this place?"

"It's huge!" Donald said as he looked around.

"And sorta gloomy, don't ya think?" Goofy, looking around.

"I wonder who lives here," Sora said, looking at Hikari.

Hikari shrugged and suddenly heard a roaring sound.

"Hey, does anybody else recognize that?" Goofy asked.

Hikari hears the roar and recognized it. "Hey! That's the Beast! The one who was with us in Hollow Bastion a long time ago!"

"Yeah," Donald nodded.

"Maybe we should check up on him," Goofy said.

Sora saw a Heartless running through the door. "Look!"

"C'mon!" Donald shouted as he, Sora, Hikari and Goofy goes after a Heartless in a room.

Hikari peeked through the doorframe. "Where did it go?" Then she saw something shiny and walked towards it. It's a rose in a glass case. "So pretty..."

As Donald looked at the rose with Hikari, a Heartless appeared. "Found it!" Donald shouted.

Sora and Hikari summoned their Keyblades while Donald and Goofy summoned their staff and shield and the four attacks the Heartless. Soon... more Heartless appeared.

"Aw, c'mon!" Sora cried.

"Enough Heartless already!" Hikari groaned.

"Somebody help us!" Donald shouted.

Soon... The Beast barged in, slamming the door open and attacked all the Heartless.

"Yes!" Hikari shouted as she saw the Beast.

"Just in time!" Sora said.

The Beast said nothing as he knocked Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy to grab the rose in a glass case and leave.

"Gee, do ya think he maybe forgot who we are?" Goofy asked.

"Apparently," Hikari said.

"With this many Heartless around, something must be up," Sora said.

"Why'd he have to do that?" Donald frowned as he rubbed his head.

"I don't know, Donald," Hikari said. "But we have to get to the bottom of this situation."

After leaving the room, Donald saw someone on the stairs.

"What is it?" Sora asked Donald.

"I just know I saw a lady at the top of those stairs..." Donald answered as he, Sora, Hikari and Goofy looked up the stairs.

"Well... If the Beast is here in the castle, that lady musta been Belle, right?" Goofy said.

"Yeah, maybe so," Sora nodded.

Hikari just remembered something. "Oh yeah! We met Belle in Hollow Bastion when Maleficent captured all seven princesses of heart so she might know what's happened to the Beast, too."

"C'mon! Let's go find her!" Goofy nodded as he, Sora, Hikari and Donald ran upstairs.

After arriving at the East Wing, Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy arrived quietly towards the door. Belle's voice was heard behind the door. "What am I going to do?"

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