Meeting Saïx/Kairi and Pluto's capture

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Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy returned to Twilight Town, only for them to see Vivi running.

	Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy returned to Twilight Town, only for them to see Vivi running

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"H-Help! The sandlot! It's Seifer! Somebody please help us!" Vivi cried.

"Sound like we've got trouble!" Sora said to Hikari. "It's saying that there's a problem at the sandlot."

"Right!" Hikari nodded. "To the sandlot!"

After Hikari lead Sora, Donald and Goofy to the sandlot, they noticed that the group of Dusks had attacked Seifer and his gang.

Sora summoned his Kingdom Key Keyblade and turns to Seifer. "We'll take it from here!"

"You and your friends take cover," Hikari said to Seifer, Fuu and Rai.

As Seifer and the gang took cover, Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy fights off all the Nobodies. When it was over, an Organization member, Saïx,  applauded. "Impressive. By the way, have you seen a man named Axel? I expect he's here somewhere."

Sora exchanges looks with Hikari and turns to Saïx. "Like we care."

"You see, Axel's no longer acting in our best interest," Saïx said.

"Is he with the Organization, too?" Goofy asked.

"Yes," Saïx nodded.

"You havin' a fight?" Donald asked.

Hikari snickered and whispered to Sora. "Not a very organized Organization..."

Saïx was annoyed. "Don't let your guard down, princess. Axel will stop at nothing to turn you and Sora into Heartless."

"Gee, thanks for looking out for us, mister," Hikari said as she does the jazz hands.

"What Hikari is trying to say is..." Sora interrupted. "...we can take care of ourselves just fine."

Saïx nodded. "Glad to hear it. Axel aside, it would break our hearts to hear something happened to you."

"Hearts? You don't have any hearts!" Donald glared at Saïx.

"True, we don't have hearts," Saïx said as he pulls down his hood and summons a dark portal. "But we remember what it was like. That's what makes us special."

"Whaddya mean?" Goofy asked.

"We know very well how to injure a heart," Saïx said. "Sora, Hikari, you two just keep on fighting those Heartless."

"There's something familiar about that guy. Let's jump in after him!" Hikari whispered to Sora.

"How come?" Sora asked.

"Don't know," Hikari said. "But maybe he'll lead us to the Organization's world or we can ask him to team up to capture my sister."


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