Goofy lives!/1000 Heartless Battle and Sora and Hikari meets Xemnas

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After leaving Goofy behind, Sora and Hikari must fight through the Heartless with the help of Yuffie, Leon, Tifa and Cloud. Then the two managed to catch up with Donald and King Mickey at the Crystal Fissure.

"Are you okay?" King Mickey asked.

"Yeah, we're fine," Sora said.

"But..." Hikari sighed and sniffled. "Poor Goofy."

"Ohh, Goofy..." Donald said as he almost cried.

"Hey, fellas!" A voice shouted. It was a miracle. Goofy had been unconscious this whole time.

"Goofy!" Sora, Hikari, King Mickey and Donald shouted in happiness.

Goofy ran over to them. "Ya know, that really hurt!"

	"Aw, Goofy!" King Mickey smiled as he hugged Goofy

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"Aw, Goofy!" King Mickey smiled as he hugged Goofy.

Goofy smiled at the King. "Gawrsh, Yer Majesty, I get bumped on the head all the time."

Hikari exchanges looks with Donald and both of them walked up to Goofy.

Goofy gets a slap on the face by Hikari. "That hurt, too."

"Don't you ever do that again!" Donald shouted.

"We thought you were a goner," Hikari said, trying not to cry.

"Hate to ruin the tearful moment," Sora said. "But we have a battle ahead of us."

Hikari just remembered. "Oh yeah! Let's go!" She lead Sora, King Mickey, Donald and Goofy to the Great Maw, only for them to see 1000 Heartless blocking their path. "What's with them? There's so many."

"Hey!" Goofy said, pointing at Xemnas, pulling down his hood, in the distance.

"It's the guy who's NOT Ansem!" Donald quacked as he looks at Xemnas.

"You mean it's his Nobody!" Goofy said.

"It is his Nobody," Hikari said. "See that black coat he's wearing?"

"Yeah," Sora nodded. "The leader of Organization XIII..."

King Mickey realized something as he was staring at Xemnas. "Wait a minute. Now I know!" A long time ago when Hollow Bastion was still Radiant Garden, he paid a visit to Ansem the Wise. "Wise Ansem. I'm here to seek your advice."


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