Visiting the other Twilight Town/Axel's Sacrifice

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After leaving Hikari's homeworld, Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy had returned to Twilight Town.

"Hey! I think we're almost there!" Goofy cried.

Sora and Donald looked confused as Hikari said, "What do you mean, Goofy?"

"Gawrsh, aren't we here because of the picture?" Goofy asked as he pulls out the photograph. "Look, I'll show ya!"

	Sora, Donald and Hikari looked at the photograph

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Sora, Donald and Hikari looked at the photograph. "Yeah! Goofy's right!" Donald said.

"We better get to that mansion," Hikari said.

"Yeah!" Sora nodded as he, Hikari, Donald and Goofy head for the Old Mansion. Soon they saw Hayner, Pence and Olette laying unconscious.

"Hey, are you all right?" Hikari rushed over to help Hayner up. "What happened?"

"We came here looking for Kairi," Hayner explained. "Then those white things attacked us..."

"You gotta be careful!" Donald warned.

"Yeah, you guys didn't have to go and do that," Sora agreed.

"Of course we did," Hayner replied. "Kairi's our friend, too, ya know."

Hikari looked at Sora. "He's right... You know, we never thought of it like that before."

Hayner looked at the Old Mansion. "Word is, this mansion gets a lot of really strange visitors."

"We thought this place might be the gateway to some kind of alternate Twilight Town," Olette said.

"What do you mean, alternate Twilight Town?" Sora asked.

Pence looked at Goofy. "Hey, Goofy, do you think we could see that crystal of yours?"

Goofy nodded as he pulls out the Munny Pouch and the blue crystal.

"I made that pouch myself, and I still have it," Olette said. "So there shouldn't be two of them here."

Hayner held up Seifer's trophy. "And this is the trophy Seifer gave you. You left it behind, remember?"

"It's the only one of its kind," Pence said. "Same for the crystals—red, blue, yellow, green—only one of each color. But you've got your own!"

"So...where'd you get it?" Hayner asked.

"Well..." Hikari said.

"The pouch is from the King," Goofy explained. "When he gave us munny for the train ride, he gave us the crystal too."

"But then...where did the KING get it?" Pence asked.

"See? There's gotta be another town out there like this one," Hayner said. "That would explain how the King got that pouch and the crystal. Everything makes sense."

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