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Donghyuck felt too much that day. He went from being numb to feeling all types of emotions in a matter of hours. The minute Donghyuck steps foot in his home he breaks down crying. And oh was he crying terribly. He wanted to stop feeling altogether at that exact moment. 

And just like that Donghyuck had found himself sulking in bed, phone turned off and just shutting the whole world out. He needed alone time. He finally understood that the heartache was never gone, he just suppressed the pain along the way of moving on from Jaemin. 

His thoughts were all over the place, all he wanted to do was sleep the whole day just to stop thinking. Stop thinking about Na Jaemin, and all the bittersweet memories they shared. 

But Na Jaemin would haunt his dreams, he was everywhere and Donghyuck had no escape but to face his feelings. 

The following days he turns his phone on again, solely for the reason that school starts on Monday. His phone blows up, as expected. He receives many messages from Jeno, Mark, and his friend group. They were so worried for him, Jeno even contacted Baekhyun and that's how he knew about Donghyuck's episode. Baekhyun tried to speak with Donghyuck several times, but he just shut him out. 

He texts them all back, stating that he was not feeling well. He wants to skip school tomorrow, but the fear to fail is greater than the fear to meet Na Jaemin again.

He thinks a lot about them, or what they used to be. Jaemin used to be Donghyuck's everything. Jaemin used to be the cute nerd that fell for the troublemaker Donghyuck. The cute nerd that aced all of his classes, was on top of the whole semester, read books for fun fell for the bad guy all Moms would warn their kids about, the boy that partied all night and whose breath smelled like cigarettes and coffee.  

How did they end up like this? How did Na Jaemin become the bad guy? And how did Donghyuck become the nerd? The roles were switched, he thinks. It could possibly be their way of moving on from one another. 

Then he remembers again.

The dark hole Jaemin left him in.

The memory of their first interaction keeps replaying in his head.

Jaemin was assigned to be Donghyuck's tutor. Donhyuck never admitted to it, but he already had a thing for Jaemin back then. He wasn't surprised when Jaemin couldn't even look him in the eyes. He used to be so shy. 

Their first meeting was at the library. Donghyuck had to study for a geography test and Jaemin was supposed to help him. After an hour of studying Donghyuck decided to take the pretty boy on the library's rooftop. It wasn't allowed to go up there but Donghyuck couldn't care less, he found a way to sneak their way up. They both watched the sunset together. They kept talking and talking, about God and the world. Jaemin fell asleep on Donghyuck's shoulder and Donghyuck let him. He enjoyed it, he felt a warm, comfortable sensation around Jaemin. They both clicked so well, Donghyuck felt like he found someone that understood him completely.

The weeks after their first real interaction went on rather smoothly, they met up for tutoring sessions and occasionally grabbed a coffee together. Donghyuck found it funny and endearing how Jaemin could chug a whole Americano in a matter of 4 minutes. And to be honest, Donghyuck never even liked coffee. He hated it. But weirdly he liked to pretend that a Caramel Macchiato was his favorite drink just so he could stick around Na Jaemin.

Donghyuck feels so warm thinking about their first moments together, he loved Jaemin with his whole heart. He loved him so much that at some point he was afraid that he could never love someone else as much as him. Jaemin literally owned his heart back then. 

But the warm feeling is crushed in seconds when he reminds himself of the way his heart was literally ripped out. 

His phone rings. It's Mark.

He smiles instantly. He is so grateful to have Mark.

He picks the phone up with a small "Hey".

"God, Hyuck, why didn't you answer any of my messages? Are you okay? Did you cry?"

Mark bombarded him with questions. 

"Can you come over?", Donghyuck asks, voice as quiet as ever.

"I'll be there in 5."

Indeed, it took Mark 5 minutes to come over. They were cuddling in Donghyuck's living room, with hot chocolate in front of them and Harry Potter playing on the TV. Mark doesn't ask questions, he knows that Donghyuck needs comfort most at the moment. Donghyuck feels warmer again, he likes Mark a lot. Mark has the power to get him out of whatever depressed state he is in. And just like that, he falls asleep in Mark's arms, feeling safe and protected. 

Mark watches the other boy sleep for some time. He is thinking to himself just how lucky he is to have his best friend back, in his arms. He knows that Donghyuck is more than a best friend to him, he likes him a lot. His heart ached so bad seeing him in such a state. Before falling asleep he presses a small kiss on Donghyuck's forehead. 

Maybe Mark would be Donghyuck's savior after all. 

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