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He places his lips on Donghyuck's.

Donghyuck immediately snaps out of his state. He focuses on Jaemin's lips and kisses the boy back. He tastes like sweet coffee and cigarettes. It's just like the first time they kissed, he feels the same damn firework. Their lips still fit as perfectly as ever. His heart is calming down, he is calming down. He doesn't feel like dying anymore, more like wanting to stay in this moment forever.

Donghyuck slowly pulls away and breaths in. He doesn't even realize what just happened. Jaemin quickly rushes to the refrigerator and gets some water out for Donghyuck. He passes him the bottle and Donghyuck takes a sip. He seems to be okay now. 

Then it hit him. He stares at Jaemin in disbelief. "D-did we just?", he can't seem to finish the sentence. Jaemin smiles warmly. "I'm sorry, Hyuckie. You wouldn't calm down so that was really our only choice."

Donghyuck gulps. It's silent for a few minutes and Jaemin thinks he's done something wrong.

"Look, I didn't take advantage of your state. I swear I only kissed you to calm you down, I'm sorry", he's visibly nervous. 

"Jaemin, I don't know why you're apologizing. You helped me, even if it was by kissing me. Thank you so much", Donghyuck tries to smile, but he feels way too weak. 

Jaemin notices how tired Donghyuck is. 

"Let me take you home", Jaemin says.

"No, I'll ask Jeno if I can stay at his tonight. Baekhyun will kill me if he finds out about me fainting and", he starts and looks at Jaemin. "about you."

"Jeno has class until 5 pm and has practice right after, I'm not letting you wait 4 hours"; Jaemin says.

"Would you be comfortable to sleep at my place? I'll get you something to eat on the way, you need food in your system".

Donghyuck looks out of the window and nods. 


Jaemin got them Pizza because Donghyuck craved it, but Donghyuck had to promise that he was going to eat some fruits later. 

They're both eating in front of Jaemin's huge TV. Jaemin put on a Harry Potter movie because he knows how much comfort Donghyuck finds in the movie series. 

"Jaemin?", Donghyuck asks and Jaemin turns to him. 

"What's up, love?", he asks.

Donghyuck ignores the love.

"Are you living alone?", he asks carefully. The flat seems big enough for a family, but it's only Jaemin's things everywhere. 

Jaemin thinks for a second.

"No, it's kind of complicated. Taeyong lives here too, you remember my brother?", he asks. 

"Of course I do, he was our number 1 supporter back then. What did he call us again? Nahyuck?", Donghyuck smiles at the memory. 

"Nahyuck, right", Jaemin smiles too. 

But where is the rest of his family?

"And what about everyone else?", he's curious. Jaemin tenses up. 

"I'll explain it to you once you're ready", Jaemin looks down.

"Ready for what?"

"To hear me out, I've been meaning to talk to you about it for quite a while now. But that's for another time, eat up first, and then it's time for you to rest", he stands up and leaves Donghyuck confused.

After cleaning up, Donghyuck makes his way to Jaemin's room. He's already wearing the comfortable clothes that Jaemin put out for him. Jaemin's already there, working on some school stuff. "Hello, love. Are you ready to rest?", Jaemin turns to Donghyuck. His heart jumps when he sees Donghyuck in his clothes again. They are so big on him, he looks soft and squishy. 

"Yes", he says and makes himself comfortable in Jaemin's bed. "Do you want me to go out?", Jaemin asks carefully. "No, please stay until I'm asleep", he pouts. And Jaemin does just that. He works on his tasks and watches over the brown-haired boy.

Donghyuck wakes up a few hours later, Jaemin isn't there anymore. He sulks, where would he go?. He makes his way to Jaemin's kitchen, where he sees the boy cooking something on the stove. Jaemin hasn't noticed him yet, so Donghyuck sneaks up behind him and tries to scare him. 

„BOO", he says loud and Jaemin shrieks. 

„Fuck, Hyuck, you scared me!", he says and puts his hand on his chest. 

Donghyuck giggles. „Just you wait!", Jaemin says and attacks Donghyuck by tickling him. 

Donghyuck runs away from him into the living room screaming „No, please, I'm sorry!". But Jaemin lives for the cute giggles Donghyuck lets out when being tickled. So he tackles him down on the couch and tickles the hell out of him. „J-jaemin, please", he laughs harder and harder. Jaemin stops and smiles at him, Donghyuck looks so cute all red and smiley. The boy under him finally catches his breath and looks into Jaemin's eyes. They look at each other for a while, neither of them saying a word. Jaemin's gaze wanders to Donghyuck's lips and Donghyuck starts blushing. Donghyuck sees Jaemin biting his lip and he feels like it's the hottest thing he's ever seen. Jaemin looks at Donghyuck again. „Can I kiss you?", he asks bluntly. Donghyuck feels so many butterflies again. He knows it's a bad idea but he feels drunk on love. „Please", he mutters, a little needy. So Jaemin connects their lips for the second time that day.

The kiss is slow in the beginning, Donghyuck kisses him back naturally. They both feel the firework, they both feel just how right it is to kiss for them. The kiss grows more heated, more passionate. Donghyuck can feel through the kiss how much Jaemin longed for him, how much he missed him. They kiss like their life is depending on it. After a while Jaemin catches Donghyuck crying, so he breaks the kiss. „Love, what happened? Did I hurt you?", he's absolutely worried. Donghyuck just smiles. „Even though I know that we shouldn't do this, it feels so right, Jaemin. You feel so right and I love it but at the same time, I hate it. I don't want to think about it, just for tonight. Please hold and kiss me like back then, just for tonight.", he's crying even more.

„Fuck, Donghyuck.", Jaemin is crying too. „Okay, I'll give you all my love tonight, but only if you promise me that we'll talk about it tomorrow. I'll open up to you tomorrow, okay? Don't leave me until you've heard me out", Jaemin knows he won't ever leave Donghyuck's side again.

„I promise", he smiles, wiping Jaemin's tears away. „Now let me kiss you until your lips turn blue."

A/N: I hope you're all doing well!

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